The three of us had not slept since getting to the hospital. On the way home, as we passed our front yard, I stared over at the snowman Wayne had built. " Dad," I ask," didn’t Wayne’s snowman have a smile on his face? " " I don’t know, " Dad responded, seeming not to hear. " Well look! " I stated. "The corners of his mouth are turned down, as if in a frown and look, his arms were up before, now there down by his sides. " Dad looked at the snowman as we passed and then entered our drive. " I don’t know son, " Dad said as he got out of the car. " I’ve got too many things on my mind to worry about a snowman. " For the next twelve hours I stayed at the neighbor’s house, sleeping off and on. Mom or Dad would call every few hours to give me an update on Wayne’s condition, which was not improving. The following morning mom called. " He’s come out of the coma, " she shouted over the phone. " The doctor says his fever has gone down considerably. " Within twenty-four hours Wayne had made a remarkable recovery. A day later the doctor said he was well enough to come back home. On the way home Wayne sat in the back seat of the car looking out at the snow-covered lawns. " How’s my snowman doing? " He asks mom.