Running Trace Replay Experiments

This documents how to run experiments using the system as per February 16th, 2004. You can find the following section in this document:


(Note: $RELEASE refers to the tmix-treplay release directory you are using, e.g., /net/parris/mirror/fhernand/releases/tmix_treplay_feb04)

The trace replay system has two main pieces of software:

Before running an experiment, a suitable environment in the testbed administration host must be created following these steps:

  1. Create the main directory, referred as yourmaindir in the following steps (e.g., /playpen2/fhernand).
  2. Make sure this directory is mounted through NFS in all of the hosts involved in the experiments (e.g., under /net/goldberg/playpen2/fhernand). Create a soft link in the testbed administration host of the form /net/adminhost/yourmaindir.
  3. Make sure all of the hosts accept rsh commands from the testbed administration host.
  4. Make sure the NTP servers are reachable from all of the hosts in the simulations (i.e., add the following to /etc/rc.firewall:
            # NTP
            ${fwcmd} add pass udp from to any
            ${fwcmd} add pass udp from to any
            ${fwcmd} add pass udp from to any 
            ${fwcmd} add pass udp from to any
  5. Create the subdirectory structure:
       mkdir bin exp tmix_conf tcvecs treplay_conf
    See the next section for a description of a description of the purpose of these subdirectories.
  6. Prepare a partitioned set of connection vectors. The process used to create these sets is not documented yet, so simply copy an existing one:
       cp -r $RELEASE/tcvecs /yourmaindir/tcvecs
  7. Prepare a configuration file for the experiment (e.g, the one below is at $RELEASE/treplay/treplay_conf/treplay_example.conf). Copy it to yourmaindir/treplay_conf.
  8. Copy the main control program,, to yourmaindir/bin:
       cp $RELEASE/treplay/ yourmaindir/bin
  9. Copy the set of scripts required by
       cp $RELEASE/treplay/bin/* yourmaindir/bin
    This includes run_mon, run_mon_tcpdump, run_tmix, set_sysparams, get_sysparams, change_kernel, and set_delays. You also need a binary version of the traffic generation program tmix (i.e., compile the sources under $RELEASE/tmix with make tmix and copy tmix to yourmaindir/bin.
  10. Copy other programs used during the experiments:
       cp $RELEASE/bin-treplay/* yourmaindir/bin
    This is include tcpdump-hiperf, bpfmon and ifmon.

Run an experiment with:

   /yourmaindir/bin/ treplay_conf/treplay_example.conf

Note that each run requires a fresh results directory, that will be created under yourmaindir/exp with the name specified by the Exp_Prefix configuration variable. I recommend you create a new .conf file for each experiment (the idea is that this file fully documents the experiment, so it should be kept for future reference). The files in the result directory include the output of each traffic generator instance and the traffic monitors. The extensions of each output file explain their content:

Some analysis programs are described in the last section of the page.

This is the usage message of the program:

treplay version 1.7
   Felix Hernandez-Campos, 2003.
   This program configures the infrastructure and runs a trace replay 
   experiment in a network testbed. It requires the following directory 
   structure under the current directory (whose absolute path must be 
   specified using the configuration variable Abs_Path):
     bin/          programs and scripts used during the experiments
                   (run_tmix set_inbound_delay set_outbound_delay set_sysparams get_sysparams change_kernel).
     exp/          results directory (results are copied into a subdirectory of
                   this directory of the form exp/Exp_Prefix).
     tmix_conf/    stores temporary files for configuring tmix.
     tcvecs/       stores sets of connection vector subtraces to be replayed
                   during the experiments (each set is stored in a 
     treplay_conf/ experiment configuration files.
   Abs_Path must accessible from all of the hosts participating in the 
   experiment (through NFS).
   See a fully-documented example in
Usage: [options] config_fname
   -c       Check configuration variables only (no setup, no experiment).
   -h       Show this help message.
   -r       Do not reboot hosts (it also disables kernel changing).
   -s       Set up the network only (do not run experiment).
   -v       Show version message.

Experiment Configuration

This is an example configuration file (treplay_conf/treplay_example.conf):

# This is a configuration file for a trace replay experiment
# See for further information
# Felix Hernandez-Campos
# July 2003 -- February 2004

# Prefix added to all output files, and name of directory under exp/
# in which the files generated by each traffic generator are copied to
# at the end of the simulation 
# Each experiment MUST have a unique name
Exp_Prefix = treplay_example

# An email is sent to the following address when the experiment is done
Email_Addr =

### DIRECTORIES ############################################

# This path points to the location of the scripts and configuration files
# It *must* be available in all hosts involved in the experiment, including
# the administration host
Abs_Path = /net/goldberg/playpen2/fhernand
Abs_Path_Mount_Point = /net/goldberg/playpen2

# Local storage in end hosts
# All files are remove after experiment
End_Host_Local_Dir = /usr/home2

# Local storage in router hosts
# All files are remove after experiment
# Router_Local_Dir = /usr/home2

# Local storage in monitors
# Some file may be left here (see bin/run_mon[_tcpdump])
Monitor_Local_Dir = /playpen2/fhernand

### TRACE ##################################################

# Experiment duration in seconds (it should be longer than the duration of the
# set of connection vectors, e.g., 3600 + 300 seconds)
# 120 extra-seconds are always added to take into account the copy and
# clean-up operation that take place after the traffic generation is done
Duration = 3900

# This parameter changes the rate at which connection are started
# E.g., 2.0 makes the start times two times slower
# Duration should be change accordingly
# E.g., if 2.0 for 1h tcvec then Duration should be 2.0 * 3600 + 300 
tcvec_Rate_Scaling = 1.0

# File name prefix for subtraces (before tr_num)
tcvec_Prefix = 2003_Apr_30_Wed_1900.em1.stnc

# Directory in which subtraces are stored
tcvec_Dir = unc03-bidir-wed-1900-stnc-21

# Replay cinit, crecv or both sides of the trace
tcvec_Side = both

# Minimum thresholds for time replay (default is 1000 milliseconds)
# Cvec_Min_ta = 300
# Cvec_Min_tb = 300 

### END-POINT PARAMETERS ###################################

# End Host Script (for running tmix):
# e.g., run_tmix
# End_Host_Script = run_tmix_ping

# Traffic generator executable (must be located under bin/)
tmix_Executable = tmix

# Directory in which tmix configuration files will be stored
tmix_Config_Dir = tmix_conf

# Set system limits script (e.g., set_sysparams)
# Note that arguments can follow the name of the script
# (e.g., set_sysparams_args 35040 1 0 1)
# System_Parameters_Script = set_sysparams_args 70080 1 0 1
# TCP_Window_Size = 70080

# This function is executed for every host, so it can be used 
# to change the default system parameters for specific hosts
# The subtrace number corresponding to each host is $trnum
# Sysparams_Function =
#   if ($trnum <= 5) {
#     $System_Parameters_Script = "set_sysparams_args 5840 1 0 1";
#   }
#   print "  $trnum. $System_Parameters_Script\n";

# Size of IO buffer for read/write calls on sockets
# A multiple of 1460, the maximum payload, is recommended to avoid artifacts 
# in the distribution packet sizes (default value is 17520 = 12 * 1460)
# IO_Buffer_Size = 1460

# This function is executed for every host, so it can be used 
# to change the default tmix parameters for specific hosts
# tmix_Conf_Function =
#   if ($trnum <= 5) {
#     $IO_Buffer_Size = 5840; $TCP_Window_Size = 5840;
#   }
#   print "  $trnum. IO_Buffer_Size=$IO_Buffer_Size TCP_Window_Size=$TCP_Window_Size\n";

### PATH PARAMETERS ########################################

# RTT, Loss and Bandwidth Settings

# Specify the direction in which the delays are applied
# Possible values are none, inbound, outbound and both
RTT_LHS_Mode = outbound
RTT_RHS_Mode = none

# Random Number Seed for Artificial Round-Trip-Time Delays
RTT_Seed = 1

# These delays are applied in each direction, so total
# RTTs are distributed between 2*min and 2*max
RTT_Min_Value = 10
RTT_Max_Value = 150

# This function is executed for every host, so it can be used 
# to change the default round-trip time settings for specific hosts
# RTT parameters are available as $RTT_*
# The subtrace number corresponding to each host is $trnum
# The side of the replay is available as $trside (cinit or crecv) 
# RTT_Function = 
#   if ($trnum >= 5) {
#     $RTT_Min_Value = 50;
#     $RTT_Max_Value = 500;
#     $RTT_LHS_Mode = "both";
#     $RTT_RHS_Mode = "both";
#     $RTT_Inbound_Setup = "set_inbound_flow_bw 28800bit/s";
#   }

### TOPOLOGY ##############################################


# Limit the number of traffic generating hosts (and therefore the number
# of replayed subtraces)
Number_of_End_Hosts = 21

# List of traffic generating hosts on 
# the left hand side of the experimental network
LHS_Hosts = howard135, lovey135, gilligan135, chen135, borg135, minnow135, shylock135, bianca135, cordelia135, falstaff135, talley135, marcus135, wako135, pedro135, hero135, auntbea135, granny135, marvin135, kate135, laertes135, elmer135
# ginger135
# and their network mask
LHS_Hosts_Netmask =

# List of traffic generating hosts on 
# the right hand side of the experimental network
RHS_Hosts = floyd136, goober136, cornelius136, cromwell136, lear136, caesar136, cicero136, iago136, claudio136, cleopatra136, gertrude136, beatrice136, macbeth136, yosemite136, sam136, henry136, wilee136, thurston136, pericles136, juliet136, krishnan136
# desdemona136
# and their network mask
RHS_Hosts_Netmask =

End_Host_Kernel = DIRT_ECN


Router_Hosts = priam135, portia136
Router_Host_Kernel = DIRT_AQM

LHS_Router = priam135
LHS_Setup_Routes = setup_gig_routes_priam135

RHS_Router = portia136
RHS_Setup_Routes = setup_gig_routes_portia136

# Router monitoring scripts
# LHS_Router_Script = run_fifo_priam135
# RHS_Router_Script = run_fifo_portia136


Monitor_Hosts = sylvester, richard
Monitor_Host_Kernel = DIRT

# Monitoring script:
# run_mon monitors packet arrivals using bpfmon only (this is the default)
# run_mon_tcpdump collects a full tcpdump traces (stored in the monitors)
Monitor_Script = run_gig_mon

Sample Output of an Experiment Run

Parsing configuration file treplay_conf/treplay_revised.conf...
  Exp_Prefix: treplay_revised
  tmix_Executable: tmix
  tmix_Config_Dir: tmix_conf
  Monitor_Script: run_mon_tcpdump
  Abs_Path: /net/goldberg/playpen2/fhernand
  Abs_Path_Mount_Point: /net/goldberg/playpen2
  End_Host_Local_Dir: /usr/home2/exp
  Monitor_Local_Dir: /playpen3/fhernand/exp
  Duration: 3900
  tcvec_Rate_Scaling: 1.0
  tcvec_Prefix: 2003_Apr_30_Wed_1900.em1
  tcvec_Dir: oct3
  tcvec_Side: both
  RTT_Seed: 1
  RTT_Min_Value: 5
  RTT_Max_Value: 250
  Number_of_End_Hosts: 22
  LHS_Hosts: howard135 lovey135 gilligan135 chen135 borg135 minnow135 shylock135 bianca135 cordelia135 falstaff135 ginger135 talley135 marcus135 wako135 pedro135 hero135 auntbea135 granny135 marvin135 kate135 laertes135 elmer135
  RHS_Hosts: floyd136 goober136 cornelius136 cromwell136 lear136 caesar136 cicero136 iago136 claudio136 cleopatra136 desdemona136 gertrude136 beatrice136 macbeth136 yosemite136 sam136 henry136 wilee136 thurston136 pericles136 juliet136 krishnan136
  End_Host_Kernel: DIRT_ECN
  Router_Hosts: priam135 portia136
  Router_Host_Kernel: DIRT_AQM
  Monitor_Hosts: sylvester richard
  Monitor_Host_Kernel: DIRT
Synchronizing local clock using ntpdate...
Checking subtraces and directories...
  Number of traffic generation hosts on each side: 22
Checking lhs hosts...
  Hosts are reachable.
  Hosts respond to rsh.
Checking rhs hosts...
  Hosts are reachable.
  Hosts respond to rsh.
Checking router hosts...
  Hosts are reachable.
  Hosts respond to rsh.
Checking monitor hosts...
  Hosts are reachable.
  Hosts respond to rsh.
Changing end host kernels...
  All hosts running kernel DIRT_ECN.
Changing router kernels...
  All hosts running kernel DIRT_AQM.
Changing monitor kernels...
  All hosts running kernel DIRT.
Rebooting routers...
  (waiting for reboot to complete)
Rebooting non-routers...
  (waiting for reboot to complete)
Checking end host kernels...
Checking router kernels...
Checking monitor kernels...
Checking NFS mount...
  Required NFS mount found in all hosts.
Flushing ipfw rules...
  All firewall rules flushed.
Setting up extra delays in LHS hosts (U[5,75] seed 1)...
  All delays set.
Setting up extra delays in RHS hosts (U[5,75] seed 1)...
  All delays set.
Setting up gigabit ethernet routes...
  Routing configured.
Writing tmix configuration files in /net/goldberg/playpen2/fhernand/tmix_conf...
  Start time: 9:28:37
  Minimum intra- and inter-epoch times: 1 second.
Starting traffic generators...
  All traffic generators started.
Starting traffic monitors...
  All monitors started.
Running experiment for 4020 seconds...
  5 minutes.
  10 minutes.
  15 minutes.
  20 minutes.
  25 minutes.
  30 minutes.
  35 minutes.
  40 minutes.
  45 minutes.
  50 minutes.
  55 minutes.
  60 minutes.
  65 minutes.
  70 minutes.


The easiest way to understand the use of tmix is to follow an example run in debugging mode. The files under

Note that tmix instances generates traffic working in pairs


Analysis (to be updated for Feb04 release)

(run the programs in the results directory)

Felix Hernandez-Campos
Last modified: Tue Mar 9 15:01:04 EST 2004