.. .. ********************** PVCS Params ************************************** .. * .. * $Workfile: asciirem.txt $ .. * .. * $Revision: 1.16 $ .. * .. * $Date: 20 Mar 1998 11:22:24 $ .. * .. * $Logfile: M:/VCSLOG/ASCIIREM.TXV $ .. * .. * ==================================================================== .. * Copyright (C) 1997 Photo Research Inc. .. * All rights reserved. .. * ******************* End PVCS Params ********************************* .. PR705/715 ASCII Remote Mode (Fwr Rev 1.5.3 and Later) ----------------------------------------------------- <...> Optional Entry, [...] Mandatory entry (...) Comment, NOT PART OF THE COMMAND Rule for default values: - The value used before the unit was set in Remote Mode or the value from the previous remote command. - When the unit exits Remote it's setup is the one before the remote mode was activated. D Initiate a data send from the PR7x5 M Initiate a Measurement R Initiate a Meas Recall from Floppy S Set up Measurement Parameters W Initiate a Measurement & Store to Floppy B LCD baclight level E Toggle Echo L Set Measurement Description String Z Set RS232 BAUD Rate Q Exit Remote mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Initiate Remote Mode 1 - Connect All Cables 2 - Type PR715 - All Uppercase - No required 3 - The phrase Remote Mode is returned from the PR-715. Utility Commands B LCD baclight level Format: B[CR] Response Code: 0000[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT 0 - Backlight Off 1 - Minimum brightness 2 - Medium 3 - Maximum ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E Toggle Echo Format: E[CR] Response Code: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L Set Measurement Description String Format: L[CR] Response Code: 0000[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT Note: Entry remains valid for the duration of 'this' Remote Mode operation or until a new L cmd is issued. Special case: Format : L[CR] Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z Set RS232 BAUD rate Format: Z[CR] Response Code: None Notes: - Valid Rates: 4800,9600,19200,38400,57600,115200 - Default Rate: 9600 - Setting a new baud rate, toggles ECHO to OFF - Exiting Remote, system resets to the default rate. - If an error accurs while the RS232 port is being initialized to a nee rate, the system will perform a complete reboot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q Exit Remote mode Format: Q[CR] Response Code: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set up Measurement Parameters Format: S[,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [,] [CR] Response Code: 0000[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT ID Number of PRIMARY accessory attached to the PR7x5 Note:Each time this field has a valid Primary Lens #, the Add On fields are cleared. ID Number of 1st ADD ON accessory attached to the PR7x5 (if any) Note:The Add fields may be cleared using the value 0. ID Number of 2nd ADD ON accessory attached to the PR7x5 (if any) ID Number of Aperture 0 for English 1 for Metric 0 - Adaptive 25 ... 60000 mS (see D502 for Max. Value) 0 - Single Capture 1 - Continuous Capture 1 .. 99 Number of Captures to average 0 - Power 1 - Energy 0 - Manual 1 - External 0 - Open During Measurement 1 - Closed During Measurement 0 - 2 Degree 1 - 10 Degree ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Processing Commands M Initiate a Measurement and data send from the PR7x5 Format: M[CR] Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- W Initiate a Measurement, a Write to disk and data send from the PR7x5 Format: W[CR] Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT Special case: Format: W0[CR] Write to Disk most recent measurement Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT CAUTION: if S,,,,,, is set to 1, EACH measurement will be written to disk. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- R Recall a stored measurement and data send from the PR7x5 Format: R,[CR] Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT Special case: Format: R,0[CR] Recall last written measurement Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT Format: R,+[CR] Increment MeasID and Recall Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D Initiate a data send from the PR7x5 Format: D[CR] Response Code: 0000,[CR][LF] If all OK, else NNNN[CR][LF] Error code, see P7X5ERR.TXT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Send Code symbols: qqqqq Status Code: 0000 No Error nnnn Measurement ID number (Ref W & R cmds) -00nn Field syntax error -nnnn Error Code - see P7X5ERR.TXT U Units indicator S,,,,Units value.........0......1 U | | =====================================¿ |Luminance |111 | fL Cd/m2 | |Radiance | 11 | W/sr/m2 | |Illuminance |112 | fc lux | |Irradiance | 12 | W/m2 | |Luminous Intensity|113 | mcd | |Radiant Intensity | 13 | W/sr | |Luminous Flux |114 | lumens | |Radiant Flux | 14 | Watts | ====================================== X,Y,Z CIE X, Y or Z in units specified by 'U' V CIE Scotopic Value in units specified by 'U' x,y CIE x or y in 1931 space u,v CIE u or v in 1960 space u',v' CIE u' or v' in 1976 space CCT Correlated Color Temperature in deg. Kelvin dev_uv Deviation from Locus in CIE u-v units Other symbols annotated as needed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Send Code Cross Reference ===================== | | M | W | R | D | Data Processing Codes ((M)easure, (W)rite, (R)ecall, (D)ata send) ===================== | 0 | - | Y | - | - | status (Write to disk most recent, unsaved, meas) ====================== | 1 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, Y,x,y ---------------------´ | 2 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, X,Y,Z ---------------------´ | 3 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, Y,u',v' ---------------------´ | 4 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, Y,CCT,dev_uv ---------------------´ | 5 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, PkWl,IntegrVal,PhotnVal,Data @ WL ---------------------´ | 6 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, Y,x,y,u',v' ---------------------´ | 7 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, Y,u,v ---------------------´ | 8 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, RawLightVal @ Pix ---------------------´ | 9 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, RawDarkVal @ Pix ---------------------´ | 10 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, RawLightMinusDarkVal @ Pix ---------------------´ | 11 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, V ---------------------´ | 12 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, units, Y,x,y,u,v ---------------------´ |110 | - | - | - | Y | status, Instrument Serial Number ---------------------´ |111 | - | - | - | Y | status, Instrument Name ---------------------´ |112 | - | - | - | Y | status, Number of Accessories, Number of Apertures ---------------------´ |114 | - | - | - | Y | status, Software Version ---------------------´ |116 | - | - | - | Y | status, Accessory List ---------------------´ |117 | - | - | - | Y | status, Aperture List ---------------------´ |200 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, Last Meas, Light, Statistics ---------------------´ |201 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, Last Meas, Dark, Statistics ---------------------´ |202 | Y | Y | Y | Y | status, Last Meas, Light Minus Dark, Statistics ---------------------´ |401 | - | - | Y | - | status, Floppy Disk Statistics,incl Last Measurement ---------------------´ |402 | - | - | Y | - | status, Floppy Disk Bin. Meas Directory ---------------------´ |502 | - | - | - | Y | status, Hardware Information --------------------- |503 | - | - | - | Y | status, Hardware Information for recalled file |601 | - | - | - | Y | status, Current Setup Report ---------------------´ |601 | - | - | - | Y | status, Current Setup Report ---------------------´ | | | | | | ---------------------- Data Send Codes: 1 qqqqq,U,Y,x,y CRLF 2 qqqqq,U,X,Y,Z CRLF 3 qqqqq,U,Y,u',v' CRLF 4 qqqqq,U,Y,CCT,dev_uv CRLF 5 qqqqq,U,peak Wl,integr. spectral value,integr. photon value CRLF wl,spectral data @ wl CRLF ......... ......... wl,spectral data @ wl CRLF 6 qqqqq,U,Y,x,y,u',v' CRLF 7 qqqqq,U,Y,u,v CRLF 8 qqqqq CRLF pix0 light value CRLF .... pix255 light value CRLF 9 qqqqq CRLF pix0 dark value CRLF .... pix255 dark value CRLF 10 qqqqq CRLF pix0 light - dark value CRLF .... pix255 light - dark value CRLF 11 qqqqq,U,V CRLF 12 qqqqq,U,Y,x,y,u,v CRLF Data Send Codes: 110 qqqqq,75ssssss CRLF Instrument Serial Number 111 qqqqq,PRssss CRLF Instrument Model Number 112 qqqqq,ac,ap CRLF ac - number of calibrated accessories. ap - number of calibrated apertures. 114 qqqqq,sssss CRLF Software version 116 qqqqq,nn,ss,tt,pp,rr CRLF nn - ID number of accessory ss - Name of accessory tt - Type of Accessory Primary Addon pp - Photometry Mode Luminance Illuminance Lum. Intensity Lum. Flux rr - Radiometry Mode Radiance Irradiance Rad.Intensity Rad.Flux 117 qqqqq,nn,ss,bw CRLF nn - ID number of aperture ss - Aperture Name bw - Effective Bandwidth 120 qqqqq,pp,bw,bb,ee,ii, pp - Number of spectral data nrp,frp,lrp CRLF points. bw - Current BW of instrument (apert. depend) bb - Starting WL ee - Ending WL ii - Increment WL nrp- Number of raw pixels frp- First valid raw pix# lrp- First valid raw pix# 200 qqqqq,mxv,mnv,mav mxv- Max Value of Raw Light mnv- Min Value mav- Average Value 201 -qqqq,mxv,mnv,mav mxv- Max Value of Raw Dark mnv- Min Value mav- Average Value 202 -qqqq,mxv,mnv,mav mxv- Max Value of Raw Light - Dark mnv- Min Value mav- Average Value Data Send Codes: 401 qqqqq,vv,nn,mm,dt,tm,ds CRLF qq - Index of last stored meas. vv - Volume label of disk nn - Actual number of stored measurements. mm - Max number that may be stored dt - Date tm - Time ds - Measurement Description 402 qqqqq,dt,tm,ds CRLF Directory of Measurements qq - Index of measurement dt - Date tm - Time ds - Measurement Description qqqqq,dt,tm,ds CRLF ........ ........ Data Send Codes: 502 qqqqq,tt,lt,ht,et, tt - Last integration time, it,tu,ep,cp,pu, lt - Min. integr. time, tf,st,tu,pa,ta CRLF ht - Max. integr. time, et - internal temperature error code,see P7X5ERR.TXT. it - internal temperature, tu - temperature units 0 - F 1 - C ep - chamber pressure error code,see P7X5ERR.TXT. cp - chamber pressure, pu - pressure units 0 - psi 1 - kg/cm2 tf - substrate temperature error code,see P7X5ERR.TXT. st - substrate temperature. tu - temperature units 0 - F 1 - C pa - chamber pressure, A2D counts ta - substrate temperature A2D counts 503 Similar to 502, but for most recent live or recalled measurement 601 Current setup report 602 Current setup report, verbose qqqqq,,,, ,, ,, , ,, ,, CR ; ; ********************** PVCS Params ************************************** ; * ; * $Workfile: p7x5err.txt $ ; * ; * $Revision: 1.16 $ ; * ; * $Date: 19 Mar 1998 11:40:46 $ ; * ; * $Logfile: M:/VCSLOG/P7X5ERR.TXV $ ; * ; * ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ; * Copyright (C) 1997 Photo Research Inc. ; * All rights reserved. ; * ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- ; ****************** End PVCS Params ************************************** ; ; ; All 9xxx errors are FATAL, indicating gross internal failure ; E indicate Error, ; T indicate Timeout on Command ; W indicate Warning ; ; ; These two are not errors, but are here to void ; end of file problems 0, I ,Fail Code 1, I ,OK Code ; ; ; p7misc.c 9999, E ,Openning file,to write 9998, E ,Writing file,0 length buffer 9997, E ,Setting index,for write 9996, E ,Writing file,not all items 9995, E ,Openning file,to read 9994, E ,Reading size,first two bytes 9993, E ,Size different,from expected 9992, E ,Setting index,for read 9991, E ,Reading file,not all items 9990, E ,End of file ; ; p7init.c 9989, E ,malloc(),Meas[0] 9988, E ,malloc(),Meas[1] 9987, E ,malloc(),Meas[2] 9986, E ,malloc(),Meas[3] 9985, E ,malloc(),Meas[4] 9984, E ,malloc(),Meas[5] ;9983, ;9982, ;9981, 9980, E ,malloc(),Acccal[0] 9979, E ,malloc(),Acccal[1] 9978, E ,malloc(),Acccal[2] 9977, E ,malloc(),Dcie 9976, E ,malloc(),Config 9975, E ,malloc(),Lincal 9974, E ,malloc(),Control 9973, E ,malloc(),Descr 9972, E ,malloc(),Spectral 9971, E ,malloc(),Calc 9970, E ,malloc(),Apecal 9969, E ,malloc(),Setup 9968, E ,malloc(),Dluvab 9967, E ,malloc(),remote buffer ; ; p7correct.c 9966, E ,intpx_to_rlpx,argument error 9965, E ,intpx_to_rlpx_add,argument error ; ; p7misc.c 9964, E ,Reading file,Null buffer ; ; p7hwr.c 9963, E ,Initializing screens, ; ; p7binrmt.c 9962, E ,flag not set,RMT_UPD_STP_TBL ; ; p7correct.c 9961, E ,rlpx_to_intpx,argument error ; ; p7init.c 9960, E ,malloc(),RawLD[0] 9959, E ,malloc(),RawLD[1] 9958, E ,malloc(),RawLD[2] 9957, E ,malloc(),RawLD[3] ; ; p7hwr.c 7999, W ,Detector Pressure,is out of spec 7998, E ,Detector Pressure,sensor failure 7997, W ,Detector Temperature,is out of spec 7996, E ,Detector Temperature,device failure 7995, E ,Exceeded Maximum,Internal Temperature ; ; p7dpram.c ; Command Error 6355, E ,Unknown uC error 6350, E ,Unknown uC command 6155, E ,Struct mismatch 6150, S ,uC Abort 6145, S ,User Abort 6130, E ,KBD overun 6116, E ,Pressure Fail 6115, E ,Pressure Warning 6111, E ,TEC Fail 6110, E ,TEC Warning 6103, E ,Shutters home 6102, E ,Meas shutter home 6101, E ,View shutter home 6100, E ,Error code not specified 6091, E ,Kbd error 6090, E ,Meas shutter home 6089, E ,View shutter home 6088, E ,Aperture NoHomeSig 6087, E ,Aperture home 6086, E ,Aperture parameter 6085, E ,Aperture mode 6084, E ,CCD oper. timeout 6083, E ,CCD operation,SYNCIN timeout 6069, E ,DSD No response 6068, E ,DSS Timeout 6067, E ,DSD CRC error 6066, E ,DSD Not found 6065, E ,DSD Error fam. code ; ; p7dpram.c ; Command Timeout Error reported with printf (COM2-Ampro and to Floppy) 5355, T ,R cmd FF 5354, T ,R cmd FE 5353, T ,R cmd FD 5352, T ,R cmd FC 5351, T ,R cmd FB 5350, T ,R cmd FA 5250, T ,Stop Test 5240, T ,TEC control 5235, T ,CCD Test 5232, T ,CCD abort 5230, T ,CCD run cont. 5225, T ,Apert Test 5220, T ,Apert Jog 5215, T ,Apert Home 5210, T ,LCD test 5205, T ,Read LCD 5200, T ,Load LCD w/table 5165, T ,KBD control 5160, T ,KBD special ctrl 5155, T ,KBD Simulate 5150, T ,Scan KBD 5145, T ,Apert Control 5142, T ,CCD [1] control 5141, T ,CCD [0] control 5140, T ,CCD control 5138, T ,Config has changed 5136, T ,Update S.N, Tempr etc 5135, T ,Update HD stat 5130, T ,EL control 5125, T ,LED control 5120, T ,LCD control 5115, T ,Shutter Control 5111, T ,Testing Structures 5110, T ,Initializing uC system 5100, T ,R cmd 0 ; ; p7meas.c 5000, E ,Weak Signal 4999, E ,Time Underflow,Level Overlflow 4996, E ,A2D overflow,Measuring Light 4995, E ,A2D overflow,Measuring Dark 4994, E ,Variable Light Level 4993, E ,Adaptive Time Limit ; ; p7calc.c 4798, E ,Divide by Zero !!,Sum X+Y+Z is zero ; ; p7files.c (put_MEA) 4602, E ,fd_test failed 4601, E ,No storage space 4600, E ,Updating counter ; ; p7fd.c & p7ascrmt.c 2500, E ,Floppy Disk,General failure 2499, E ,Floppy Disk,Unknown unit 2498, E ,Floppy Disk,Unknown command 2497, E ,Floppy Disk,Data (CRC) error 2496, E ,Floppy Disk,Bad request length 2495, E ,Floppy Disk,Seek error 2494, E ,Floppy Disk,Unknown media type 2493, E ,Floppy Disk,Sector not found 2492, E ,Floppy Disk,Out of paper 2491, E ,Floppy Disk,Write fault 2490, E ,Floppy Disk,Read fault 2489, E ,Floppy Disk,Invalid disk change 2488, E ,Floppy Disk,WRITE Protected 2487, E ,Floppy Disk,Not AVAILABLE 2486, E ,Floppy Disk,COUNTER.### missing 2485, E ,Floppy Disk,.MEA missing 2484, E ,Floppy Disk,.SUP missing 2483, E ,Floppy Disk,Not Enough Space ; ; ; p7ascrmt.c ; for reference, menu system does not use these 2000, E ,Invalid,Responce code 1999, E ,Invalid,ASCII command 1998, E ,Field overflow,S cmd 1997, E ,Invalid,Primary accessory 1996, E ,Invalid,Add On accessory 1 1995, E ,Invalid,Add On accessory 2 1994, E ,Add On accessory 2,same as 1 1993, E ,Invalid Aperture 1992, E ,Invalid Units 1991, E ,Integration time,out of range 1990, E ,Invalid Capture Mode 1989, E ,Number of Cycles,out of range 1988, E ,Invalid Calc Mode 1987, E ,Invalid,Trigger Mode 1986, E ,Invalid View Shutter,command 1985, E ,Invalid CIE Observer 1984, E ,Invalid Meas Index 1983, E ,Field overflow,R cmd 1982, E ,String overflow,L cmd 1981, E ,Disk Empty 1980, E ,Measurement required 1979, E ,Excessive length 1978, E ,Empty string