As a : voter I want : my vote to be anonymous so that : I judgement is independent and is not prone to outside influence. -------------- As a : voter I want : to vote as quickly as possible so that : I don't waste my time -------------- As a : voter I want : change my vote / unvote so that : I get new information about the candidate, I can review my choice -------------- As a : voter I want : see educational and professional qualifications of the candidates so that : I can take a more informed decision -------------- As a : voter I want : verify if my vote has been registered/counted so that : - -------------- As a : voter I want : I want to know if cadidates/parties will form an alliance after election so that : I can make a better choice while voting. -------------- As a : voter I want : my session should be saved at relatively small intervals / half-vote so that : if there is an internet outage, my vote is still counted. -------------- As a : election officer I want : verify is all votes are counted properly (no multiple counts) so that : vote tally is accurate -------------- As a : election officer I want : to a high level, abstract access to the realtime vote data so that : I can troubleshoot or predict issues -------------- As a : election officer I want : an hourly security report so that : be sure that our website has not been compromised -------------- As a : admin I want : create a election area and define rules of election (winning) so that : - -------------- As a : admin I want : I can change voter/candidate profile/data so that : - -------------- As a : admin I want : to send notifications to voters who have already voted to revote if the candidates revoked his candidacy or dies. so that : - -------------- As a : admin I want : make sure that is data is safe/secure and there are redundant copies available. so that : - -------------- As a : admin I want : to make sure that only eligible people vote so that : - --------------