RTSS 2004
The 25th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium

December 5-8, 2004
Lisbon, Portugal

Sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems

Submissions of papers describing original research in all areas of real-time computing and communication systems including design, analysis and implementation are invited for consideration towards presentation at the 25th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, and publication in the Symposium Proceedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Symposium Scope

The Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) provides a forum for the presentation of high-quality, original research covering all aspects of real-time systems design, analysis, implementation, evaluation and case-studies. RTSS 2004 will consciously continue the trend of making RTSS an expansive and inclusive symposium, looking to embrace new and emerging areas of real-time and embedded systems research. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
  • QoS support
  • Model-based development
  • Energy management
  • Real-time systems middleware
  • Adaptive systems theory and practice
  • Real-time sensor/actuator networks
  • Security and survivability
  • Real-time and dependability
  • Wireless communications
  • Multimedia computing
  • Architectural support
  • Compiler support
  • Embedded operating systems
  • System development tools
  • Software engineering
  • Real-time databases
  • RT programming languages
  • Scheduling
  • Formal methods
  • Case studies
  • Systems integration
  • Performance modeling

Symposium Highlights


Manuscripts should be limited to 20 double-spaced pages. All submissions must be made online at Only PDF and postscript formats will be accepted. Each paper should be submitted to one of the following tracks:

Papers covering topics traditionally appearing in RTSS should be submitted to the Regular Track. These papers will be reviewed by the RTSS program committee. Each special track has its own program committee. Papers submitted to the special tracks will be reviewed by these committees.

Separate calls for papers will be issued later for work-in-progress abstracts and symposium workshops. Please visit the conference website at later for further information.

Important Dates

Last updated on 6 May 2004 by JHA.