COMP 790-062: Avionics Software

Fall 2010

Instructor: Prof. Jim Anderson


Each student must complete a class project. You are responsible for defining your own project. Your project can be either an experimental investigation or a survey or research paper. Students are encouraged to take on projects that involve experimental efforts or proving new results (or both), but survey papers are OK. One approach for a survey paper would be to cover in greater depth a topic that we cover in class. Or you could cover something we're not covering.

It is perfectly fine to use research from an RA position as the basis for your class project. However, your project may not be based on work from another course without the permission of me and the instructor for that course (permission will be granted only if the total work involved is commensurate with the amount of effort expected in both courses combined). Also, your project must have some connection to avionics (and you should be able to explain what the connection is). Multi-person projects will be allowed, except for survey papers.

Project Proposals

You must have your project approved. The process is as follows.
  1. Email me a one- or two-paragraph description of your proposed project.
  2. If approved, go to step 3. Otherwise, go to step 1.
  3. Write a short proposal (about 1-2 pages) that provides more detail. This document will serve as our "contract" for the project.
  4. Conduct your research or implement your project.
  5. Write a technical report (about 10 pages, though it may be longer) describing your research or project and the results you obtained.
Step 1 (approved) should be completed by October 15 (the last class before fall break). Step 3 should be completed by October 29. If possible, you should try to complete Step 3 earlier than this, as it leaves more time for getting all the work done. Your final report is due on December 8 (the last day of classes). Steve Goddard has put together a nice webpage on paper formats. Please have a look at this webpage before writing your proposal or final report. I'm quite picky about writing and will grade accordingly.

Projects Ideas

I encourage you to come up with your own project ideas. However, for those of you panicking because you cannot come up with a project idea, here are some projects you might consider.

Jim Anderson <>
Last modified: Wed 9 Sept 2010