COMP 290-078: Real-time scheduling for computer networks

Time/ Location. Thursdays 3:30 – 5:30pm. SN 325.

Instructor. Sanjoy Baruah [; (919)962-1803; Sitterson 319]

Course Goal. To become familiar with the state of the art regarding scheduling strategies used in computer networks for supporting real-time multimedia applications.

Objectives. At the end of this course, you should be able to

Grading. Since this is a seminar course, there will be a minimal number of assignments, tests, and other stress-inducing activities. One third of the overall grade will be determined by class attendence and participation. Another third will be determined by performance on a few problem sets. For the final third of the grade, each student may either give an in-class presentation or take the final exam. (A suitable project may be used to substitute for one or more of these requirements. A student wishing to perform a project should consult with the instructor.)

Textbooks etc. We will cover one chapter (Ch 9 – Scheduling) from the following text:

S. Keshav. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking. Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series. 1997. (Available for $49.95 from

In addition we will discuss a number of articles from recent issues of journals and conference proceedings. Copies of these will be made available in class. These include: