COMP 290-078: Advanced topics in real-time scheduling theory

Time/ Location. MW 12:30 – 1:45pm. SN 325.

Instructor. Sanjoy Baruah [; (919)962-1803; Sitterson 319]

Goals and objectives. The goal of this course is to bring all course participants (students and the instructor) up to date regarding the current state of the art in real-time scheduling theory. To meet this goal, we will read, understand, and explore the possibilities of extending recently published papers from major conferences and journals in this research area. We will also be coverning home-grown results – some exciting research in real-time scheduling theory gets done here at UNC, and it behooves us to be aware of, and appreciate, the work being done by our colleagues.

Grading. Since this is a seminar course, there will be a minimal number of assignments, tests, and other stress-inducing activities. Each course participant is expected to lead the discussion on some of the papers to be covered in this class -- one half of the overall grade will be determined by the performance on these discussions. Another quarter will be determined by class attendence and participation. For the final one fourth of the grade, each student must present a written report on a topic to be discussed beforehand with the instructor.


Topics we will cover may include: