Comp790-078: Selected topics in real-time scheduling theory

INTRODUCTION and COURSE GOALS: Platforms for implementing real-time systems are increasingly comprised of several processing units (often as multiple processing cores within a single CPU), and it is increasingly the case that such platforms are expected to support multiple independently-developed applications simultaneously. In this research seminar, we will study these two emerging topics of multiprocessor real-time systems and open systems (i.e., virtualization).


INSTRUCTOR: Sanjoy Baruah. (Click here for instructor's office hours.)

SYLLABUS and RUBRIC: There is no text-book for the course. We will study a number of recently-published papers which will be handed out in class (or made available in electronic form). There will be no assignments, tests, or other similar stress-inducing activities. Each participant will be required to make a series of presentations to the class, and to complete a major semester project of sufficiently high quality that it could be submitted for consideration towards presentation at a decent conference, or publication in a decent journal.

SPECIAL NEEDS: If you are entitled to extra accommodation for any reason (such as a disability), we make every reasonable attempt to accommodate you. However, it is your responsibility to discuss this with the instructor during the first week of the course.

HANDOUTS: Handouts and lecture outlines are available here