Comp 750 Honor code

Students are encouraged to work together on written homework assignments. Acceptable collaboration on written homework assignments includes:
In all cases you must explicitly acknowledge any and all substantive help received from other individuals during the course of the preparation of your homework solution. That is, if you collaborate with other individuals then you must include an explicit acknowledgment in your homework solution of the persons from whom you received aid. You should include the acknowledgement with your Honor Code pledge. Acknowledging others, if done properly, will not adversely affect your grade.

Unacceptable collaboration includes:

The general rule to be followed is that the strategy and approach of solutions may be developed jointly but all actual solutions (i.e., the final solution) must be constructed and written up individually. Work done jointly should not be done in sufficient detail as to make it a final solution. For example, solutions may sketched out jointly; however, each student must construct the final form of their solution individually and write-up their own solution.

Any form of unacceptable collaboration will be considered a violation of the UNC Honor Code and will be reported to the Student Attorney General.

Should questions arise in the course of working on a problem please feel free to immediately contact the instructor either by telephone, electronic mail, or by an office visit. In principle, if you work with others in good faith and are honest and generous with your attributions of credit you should have no problems.