Comp 410-001 Rubric

(Subject to change)

Grading: The breakup of grades is tentatively set as follows

Exam dates (all tentative -- highly likely to change!):

Assignments: No collaboration is permitted upon assignments. Please do not accept anyone's assistance (other than the instructor's or the TA's) - all submitted work must be your own, and you must include a signed honor statement with each submission explicitly stating that all submitted work is the result of your own effort only.

Grading policy: Assignments are graded by the TA, under the instructor's supervision. Graded assignments are returned in class. If you wish to dispute the score assigned to you, it is your responsibility to initiate negotiation via email on this, within one week of the date that the assignments are returned in class. No complaints will be considered after this one-week deadline.

Class Etiquette: You are expected to maintain proper etiquette in class. This includes:

Class Participation: This class will be far more enjoyable for everyone if all students come to class ready and willing to discuss the material to be covered. I plan to reward those who participate in class by increasing their final grade by up to half a letter grade. I also reserve the right to add a similar negative "reward" to those who do not observe appropriate etiquette in class.