TTh 2-3:15
Office Hours by appointment
Course Description
In this class we will learn about different security policies and how they apply across a variety of application domains. We will read about mechanisms and tools designed to enforce a given policy and attacks meant to thwart that same policy. The class is meant for students who are interested in software and systems security. The course will be research focused: classes will be centered around discussion of published research in the security community, students will work on an original research project, and students will write a conference-style paper describing their work.Project
Students will work in groups of 2 on an original research project. At the end of the semester, each group will submit a workshop-quality paper and give a short presentation in class describing their work. A written project proposal will be due roughly six weeks into the semester. We will discuss possible project ideas in class; however, you are encouraged to develop your own ideas.Reading
We will read one paper per class. You are required to complete the reading and submit a short write-up by midnight of the night before class. Your review should contain:- One to three sentences summarizing the problem addressed, the basic approach taken, and the results demonstrated;
- One to two sentences describing the key insight or innovation of the paper;
- Up to six sentences describing the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, as you see them;
- At least one concrete idea for a research project inspired by this paper that you might do; and
- Any questions you might have.
Paper Presentation
Each person will be responsible for presenting 2--3 papers to the class over the course of the semester.Grading
Final Project: 50%Paper Reviews and Discussion: 20%
Paper Presentations: 30%