Assignment 4: Grading Sheet


Test Problem

features tested



Default binding

Descriptor i bound to kernel i



Printouts to master console


Move master console

Moving the master console to another kernel

Error cases

Describe each kind of error demonstrated by the test cases. 



Again, insert your answers here!

1.        Describe if you allow binding of multiple descriptors to the same kernel. If not, give a semantics- or implementation-based reason for doing so. If yes, give a real-world application of this flexibility.

2.        Describe what happens in a devbind and devunbind call.

3.      Describe how distributed lower and upper half device routines synchronize with each other.


Test Problem Description(s)



Briefly describe each test problem does (e.g. multiplication of two matrices). Give the sample output you will demonstrate.  Explain how the output tests the system calls used in it.



 Attach the full code of the program(s) implementing the problems..