Assignment 3: Grading Sheet


Test Problem

features tested




Two different kernels alloc ports



Send to remote receiver





Receive from remote sender


guarded mrecv()

Guarded receive from remote sender



Waits to a semaphore from different kernels



Signals to a semaphore from different kernels


Preemptive scheduling








Error cases

Describe each kind of error demonstrated by the test cases.  Insert the information here and not somewhere else!



Test Problem Description(s)



Briefly describe each test problem (here and not somewhere else!) does (e.g. multiplication of two matrices). Give the sample output you will demonstrate.  Explain how the output tests the system calls used in it.



Again, insert your answers here!

Can you use the Unix sleep call to implement the Xinu sleep10 call?

How did you handle the problem of restoring interrupts when context switch occurs to a newly crated process?

Why not use blocking reads to get information from sockets?

How frequently should you poll for socket input - give the advantages/disadvantages of polling frequently/rarely, and justify the frequency you picked.

Why does partitioning the port name space violate the transparency principle?

How can you make the Xinu IPC calls ( alloc_port, req_port, asend, ssend, mrecv ) efficient - in particular, how can you reduce the number of Unix messages a Xinu IPC call sends? (Hint: think caching or replication of data structures.) It may not be possible to make all Xinu IPC calls efficient in a single implementation, in which case, which ones have you favoured and why? For each of these calls, explain how many Unix messages may be sent.

Instead of enclosing ctxsw within Disable and Restore, you could have ctxsw call Restore before returning. What could go wrong under this approach?

Can disabling ctxsw within Disable and Restore interfere with context switching to a newly created process?


Other Info

Attach the full code of the program(s) implementing the problems.  Do not attach your implementation of the system calls.