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Baecker's Taxonomy

Baecker [ Baecker Groupware ] has edited a book of collected papers, and used a taxonomy to classify application papers into various categories:
Electronic Mail and Computer Conferencing-- tools such as mail and bulletin boards that support point to point delivery or broadcast of messages.
Structured Mail. Agents, and Workflows-- applications such as Information Lens and Coordinator that add intelligence to mail systems by adding structure to it, providing filters, and automatically routing messages.
Cooperative hypertext and organizational memory-- applications such as PREP and IBIS that link group information.
Desktop Conferencing-- same time applications such as Cognoter, Groupsketch, and Groupdraw.
Electronic meeting and decision rooms-- same place applications such as Liveboard applications often presupposing a particular room layout.
Media space-- applications such as video walls providing audio and video connections to support different place collaboration.

Prasun Dewan
Sun Mar 16 14:19:05 EST 1997