University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Consent to Participate in a Research Study

Adult Participants

Social Behavioral Form



IRB Study 09-1134

Consent Form Version Date:  July 10, 2018


Title of Study: Virtual Radical-Co-location and Beyond


Principal Investigator:  Prasun Dewan 

UNC-Chapel Hill Department: Computer Science

UNC-Chapel Hill Phone number: 919-590-6123

Email Address:


Study Contact telephone number:  919-590-6123

Study Contact email:



What are some general things you should know about research studies?

You are being asked to take part in a research study.  To join the study is voluntary.

You may refuse to join, or you may withdraw your consent to be in the study, for any reason, without penalty.


Research studies are designed to obtain new knowledge. This new information may help people in the future.   You may not receive any direct benefit from being in the research study. There also may be risks to being in research studies.


Details about this study are discussed below.  It is important that you understand this information so that you can make an informed choice about being in this research study. 

You will be given a copy of this consent form.  You should ask the researchers named above any questions you have about this study at any time.


What is the purpose of this study?

Face-to-face collaboration – which includes face-to face teaching and training - allows people to determine certain aspects of their collaborators that are relevant to the interaction.  For instance, teachers can determine if their students are confused, bored, or interested, and adapt the lecture accordingly and/or provide help. Similarly, software developers or lab assistants working in one room can (a) offer help to those they feel are stuck on some problem or (b) evaluate the work of those who need feedback about the progress they have made. Current technology does not allow distributed users to determine the status of their collaborators and the work these collaborators are performing without getting a continuous audio/video/textual feed of each collaborator, which does not scale. We are doing research in algorithms, user-interfaces, and architectures that reduce this problem by better supporting scalable awareness and assessment of distributed collaborators’ work, inference of their difficulty, engagement and other emotions, and automatic recommendation of solutions to inferred and explicitly articulated difficulty. The purpose of this study is to evaluate these solutions.  Our solutions  and evaluations will use one or more of the following forms of data gathered from the subjects: (a) video of their persons taken by state of art 2-D and 3-D cameras such as Kinect, b) recordings of the computer screens, c) logs of their interaction with the computer, (d) snapshots of the artifacts created by them, and (e) answers to questionnaires.  The data will be collected from at least 50 participants.  


How many people will take part in this study?

This study will recruit at least 50 people and there is no maximum limit on the number of participants.


How long will your part in this study last?

Your part in this study may consist of one or more sessions involving training and/or different kinds of sub tasks, with each session lasting no more than three hours.  You may be contacted by electronic mail after each session to determine additional information.  If you are contacted by electronic mail, it will be within two months of today. You will be allowed to volunteer for more than one session involving different tasks. You can also participate in the study by using our software for your daily work including course assignments, in which case there will be no time limit.


What will happen if you take part in the study?


You will be asked to perform one of several kinds of activities.


1)     Some activity in which determining aspect of your emotion or work is important. As mentioned above, this could involve viewing of a lecture presentation, where it is important (for the lecturer) to know if you are confused, understanding, or bored; or it could involve programming or writing assignment , where it is important for some potential helper or instructor such as a TA to determine the nature of your progress and know if you are stuck, and for you to receive external assessment of  your progress and/or help.  While you are manually performing this activity, you may indicate your emotional or work status, which will be compared with the one that is automatically determined.

2)    Some activity in which being aware of the emotions and work of others is important such as a lab assistant or colleague who helps others in their programming or writing effort. While performing this activity you will use our tools to monitor and determine the status and progress of others and react appropriately to the status changes.

3)    Some activity in which you will program algorithms that determine the status of the users and their work.  While performing this activity we may monitor your status using existing algorithms and the effort you put into the activity.


A the end of the activity, you may answer questionnaires and participate in de-briefing interviews


What are the possible benefits from being in this study?

Research is designed to benefit society by gaining new knowledge.  This study is designed to evaluate various aspects of technology that gives people the feeling of being there, in one location.  You may not benefit personally from being in this research study.


What are the possible risks or discomforts involved from being in this study? 

The task involves the use of desktop and laptop computers, so it poses no risks to the subjects that the subjects are not exposed to on a daily basis. The task does not involve virtual environments.

How will your privacy be protected?  

 To reduce privacy and confidentiality risks, the research data collected in the study will not be associated with information that can be used to  publically  identify you. You will be assigned a code number, which will be the only link to your identity. You will not have any personally identifying information stored in the logs created as part of this study. All data will be stored electronically in a secure file system.  Stored data will only have your code number and will not have any identifiers. The information that associates your name with a code number will be stored separately from these records. All mappings between code numbers and names will be destroyed at the conclusion of the experiment. 

Note that even though we will collect participant emails as contact data, the emails will in no way be associated with any of the data we collect. Furthermore, upon study completion, as mentioned above, all contact information will be destroyed.

. If videos of you are face are collected in the study, at the end of the study, these videos will be simply deleted from the disk. Disks storing these videos will be disposed using the usual procedures for recycling these, as we know of no way to “shred” them.


Participants will not be identified in any report or publication about this study. Although every effort will be made to keep research records private, there may be times when federal or state law requires the disclosure of such records, including personal information.  This is very unlikely, but if disclosure is ever required, UNC-Chapel Hill will take steps allowable by law to protect the privacy of personal information.  In some cases, your information in this research study could be reviewed by representatives of the University, research sponsors, or government agencies for purposes such as quality control or safety.  


Will you receive anything for being in this study?

If you come to a specific site for a lab study, you will receive up to $20 for participating in the study for each special session, which will be paid at the end of the session.  Food and refreshments may be provided if you are asked to come to a specific site.  You will not have to refund the money if you withdraw from the experiment after receiving the money.  You will not be compensated if you are not asked to come to a specific site.


Will it cost you anything to be in this study?

There will be no costs for being in the study apart from your time.


What if you are a UNC student?

You may choose not to be in the study or to stop being in the study before it is over at any time.  This will not affect your class standing or grades at UNC-Chapel Hill.  You will not be offered or receive any special consideration if you take part in this research.


What if you are a UNC employee?

Taking part in this research is not a part of your University duties, and refusing will not affect your job.  You will not be offered or receive any special job-related consideration if you take part in this research. 


What if you have questions about this study?

You have the right to ask, and have answered, any questions you may have about this research. If you have questions, or concerns, you should contact the researchers listed on the first page of this form.


What if you have questions about your rights as a research participant?

All research on human volunteers is reviewed by a committee that works to protect your rights and welfare.  If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject you may contact, anonymously if you wish, the Institutional Review Board at 919-966-3113 or by email to


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IRB Study #  09-1134

Consent Form Version Date: July 10, 2018


Title of Study: Virtual Radical-Co-location and Beyond


Principal Investigator:  Prasun Dewan 

UNC-Chapel Hill Department: Computer Science

UNC-Chapel Hill Phone number: 919-590-6123

Email Address:

Faculty Advisor:     

Funding Source:  UNC-CH 


Study Contact telephone number:  919-590-6123

Study Contact email:



Participant’s Agreement:


I have read the information provided above.  I have asked all the questions I have at this time.  I voluntarily agree to participate in this research study.


_________________________________________             _________________

Signature of Research Participant                                         Date



Printed Name of Research Participant


_________________________________________              _________________

Signature of Person Obtaining Consent                                 Date



Printed Name of Person Obtaining Consent