package lectures.class_dual_roles.instances;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;
 * Remove questions from package-info
 * Class Dual Roles quiz problems and explanations from OH
 * Address the following.
During office hours with Professor Dewan, I had asked about the following dozen questions. Here is what I learned and some explanation for my approach to these questions I found tricky.
Question 27:
The phrasing "set of values (called Instances) of that types" really confused me. It helps to think of this in terms of memory allocation. If one were to assign an instanced class to a variable, and then create a new instance, would the amount of memory allocated change? 
Question 34-37:
The phrasing at the end of these questions through me off. It means "class.method" format, play with the praxis to test these out.
Question 40 and 44:
This is similar to question 27, in how to think about a set of values. Dr.Prasun told me that the answers to these two may be incorrect and that he'd explain them in class
Question 46 and 49: 
Public behavior means the results of @WebDocuments({"Lectures/ClassDualRolesInstances.pptx", "Lectures/ClassDualRolesInstances.pdf", "Videos/ClassDualRolesInstances.avi"})
public methods. Compare the set of public methods of each class and the outputs of the public methods in each set.
Question 48, 50, 51, 53, and 55: 
The formula of these questions is incorrect. They're supposed to read for each value/property in A there is a value/property in B. Flip A and B where A and B are both classes.
I believe these questions will not be graded (worth 0 points)
Question 64:
This question is a bit tricky to read. Consider what a property is, how they're declared, and how they're used. The protections (private/public) of properties may also help you understand what affects them.
In general, I have found three solutions to solving a question I have genuinely no clue about, in order of time efficiency:
Office hours/asking
Ask your TA/LA or Professor Dewan how something works. Don't ask for an answer, ask how something works or why something works the way it does. Once you understand the elements of a question you can understand the answer.
Most of the questions can be directly answered by doing the praxis. Praxis is not an application, it's a teaching method: in this case, it means to open the javateaching folder and read/code through this lecture's package starting with Praxis answers most questions.
Lastly, the lecture notes provide a general understanding of the material in the course. If you don't understand what's happening, you should reread, or simply read, the lecture material before trying the praxis.

public class Clarifications {
