package lectures.class_dual_roles.instances;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/ClassDualRolesInstances.pptx", "Lectures/ClassDualRolesInstances.pdf", "Videos/ClassDualRolesInstances.avi"})
public class NextTimeInstantiatingFactorialSpreadsheetUse {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
         * The previous class is being instantiated now before use by doing a new
         * Each new creates a new copy of the instance variables declared in the class
         * It an instance of the class and can be assigned
         * to a variable whose type is the name of the class of the instance.
         * Instances are called objects.
         * The class of an object is the class instantiated to create the object.
        ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet factorial4 = new ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet();
         * Not all values in Java are objects. 
         * ints, doubles, char, boolean are primitive values. 
         * These are not instantiated and thus do not have classes.
         * A primitive value is not an instance of any class, that is,
         * does not have a class.
         * (T/F) One of the roles of a class is to define a new type and provide
         * a mechanism for creating a (possibly infinite) set of values 
         * (called instances) of that types.
         * What do you expect from the following prints when you uncomment them
         * An easy way comment and uncomment a line or a group of lines
         * is to click on the first character of the line or select the lines
         * and press CTRL/ 
//      System.out.println(factorial4 instanceof ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet);
//      System.out.println(new ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet() instanceof ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet);
//      System.out.println("hello world" instanceof ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet);
//      System.out.println("hello world" instanceof String);
//      System.out.println (factorial4.getClass());
//      System.out.println ("hello world".getClass());
//      System.out.println (5.getClass()); // 5 is a primitive
         * (T/F) new ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet() is an instance of ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet.
         * (T/F) "hello world" is an instance of ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet.       
         * (T/F) "hello World" is an instance of a class.
         * (T/F) 5 is an instance of a class.
         * (T/F) 5 is a primitive value.
         * (T/F) "hello World" is a primitive value.
                * factorial4.getFactorial());
         * Creating another instance of our new type.
         * We can create an arbitrary number of factorial spreadsheets, 
         * possibly in a loop
        ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet factorial2 = new ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet();
         * A class can be instantiated an arbitrary number of times (modulo
         * memory constraints).
                * factorial2.getFactorial());
        System.out.println (factorial2.getFactorial()/factorial2.getFactorial());

//      ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet.setNumber(3);
         * Is uncommenting the above statement legal?
         * (T/F)An instance method can be invoked on a class, that is, it can be
         * invoked by prefixing the method name with the name of the class + ".' 
         * (T/F)A static method can be invoked on a class, that is, it can be
         * invoked by prefixing the method name with the name of the class + ".'.
         * (T/F) A class C1 can call a static method declared in class C2 without 
                instantiating it.
         * (T/F) A class C1 can call an instance method declared in class C2 without 
                instantiating it (assuming no inheritance).
 * Go to:{PropertiesAnalyzer}