 * We now see ways and motivation for creating a program with multiple @WebDocuments({"Lectures/ClassDualRolesStatics.pptx", "Lectures/ClassDualRolesStatics.pdf", "Videos/ClassDualRolesStatics.avi"})
 * While only one class will be runnable - have a main method - there will be
 * many supporting classes, and we will see a principle for decomposing
 * code into multiple classes and another for protecting the variables and methods in
 * them from external scrutiny. While decomposition has many benefits, it has
 * the disadvantage that the code is distributed. This means the program becomes
 * like the elephant in the story of the blind men and an elephant 
 * (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant),
 * which is understood differently based on which part we focus on. 
 * Use the F3 (or CTRL/CMD click) to navigate to the mentioned classes and methods and 
 * ALT <- to return back. Such navigation is crucial to understanding multi-component 
 * programs. Better still, you and your partners can have multiple classes
 * open in your editors so that you can view multiple classes simultaneously.
 * Introductory courses tend not to deal large components, so many of you will
 * grow up in this praxis. Expect to struggle, especially if you
 * took Comp 116. Remember, instructors are here to help you. You may want
 * to also have the lecture pdf open.
 * Visit the following classes for this praxis. 
 *  {Factorials}
 *  {Permutations}
 *  {StaticLoopingFactorialSpreadsheet} 
package lectures.class_dual_roles.statics;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;