package lectures.constructors_pointers;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/ConstructorsPointers.pptx", "Lectures/ConstructorsPointers.pdf", "Videos/ConstructorsPointers.avi"})
public class AssigningVariables {
    // understand and then execute the program
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        double aWeight1 = 75;
        ABMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet1 = new ABMISpreadsheet();
        double aWeight2 = aWeight1; // what does this really mean?
        System.out.println (aWeight1 == aWeight2); // it must imply this returns true
        ABMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet2 = aBMISpreadsheet1; // what does this really mean?
        System.out.println (aBMISpreadsheet1 == aBMISpreadsheet2); // it must imply this returns true
        aWeight1 += 2; 
        System.out.println (aWeight1 == aWeight2); // are they still equal?
        System.out.println (aBMISpreadsheet1 == aBMISpreadsheet2); // are they still equal?
        System.out.println (aWeight1);
        System.out.println(aBMISpreadsheet1); // what do you expect to be printed1
        System.out.println(aBMISpreadsheet1); // what do you expect to be printed
        // Can you explain the difference in behavior for primitive variables and object variables
