package lectures.constructors_pointers;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

import java.util.Arrays;

import lectures.class_dual_roles.instances.ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet;
 * This class shows the constructors that exist in the compiled object code
 * available at runtime.
@WebDocuments({"Lectures/ConstructorsPointers.pptx", "Lectures/ConstructorsPointers.pdf", "Videos/ConstructorsPointers.avi"})
public class PrintingConstructors {
     * The following method prints the constructors in a compiled class that
     * is the number of constructors in the object code of a class.  
    public static void printConstructors(Class aClass) {
     * Run main and observe the output.
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        // In class ALoopingFactorialSpreadsheet we did not declare a constructor.
 * (T/F) The source code of a class (written by the programmer) might not contain a constructor.
 * (T/F) The compiled object code of a class might not contain a constructor.
 * The complier:
 *   a) may insert a constructor in the object code.
 *   b) always inserts a constructor in the object code.
 *   c) never inserts a constructor in the object code.
 * Change package name in link.
 * Next file:  {UninitializedVariables}