package lectures.constructors_pointers;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/ConstructorsPointers.pptx", "Lectures/ConstructorsPointers.pdf", "Videos/ConstructorsPointers.avi"})
public class UsingConstructors {
 * We see below examples of named constants.
     static final double EXAMPLE_HEIGHT = 1.77;
     static final double EXAMPLE_WEIGHT = 75;
  * A named constant is a final variable- a variable that that cannot be changed later
  * and whose value is known at program writing time.
  * An unnamed constant or literal is a value such as the
  * the double 1.77 and the String "hello" that literally or directly
  * denotes a value. 
  * A named constant gives a name to a literal that would otherwise be 
  * magic to the program reader.
  * Make sure magic literals (numbers and strings) do not appear in the program.
  * Named constants should be static as they do not change from instance to instance. 
  * (T/F) A named constant is a final variable whose value is known at program 
  * writing time.
  * (T/F) A magic literal is a number, string or some other literal
  *  whose meaning/purpose is not clear.
  * (T/F) Named constants increase magic literals.
  * Example of a method that takes a parameter
  * whose type is a class. Invokes getters.
    public static void print(ABMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet) {
        System.out.println ("Height:" + aBMISpreadsheet.getHeight() + 
                " Weight:" + aBMISpreadsheet.getWeight() +
                " BMI " + aBMISpreadsheet.getBMI());

    public static void callPrintln(ABMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet) {
        System.out.println ("aBMISpreadsheet hashcode:" + 
        System.out.println ("aBMISpreadshee:" + aBMISpreadsheet);
     * Example of use of setters
    public static void set(ABMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet){
 * Study main, run it, and understand its output.
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        // Instantiate the class ABMISpreadsheet
        ABMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet = new ABMISpreadsheet();
        // understand println
        // understand instantiation vs initialization
        System.out.println("Instantiated object:");
        System.out.println("Initialized object:");
        // understand use of (parameterized) constructors
        System.out.println("Instantiated and initialized object:");
         * Does it make sense for the height or weight to ever be 0?
         * The following uses a different syntax for new.
         * It initialized the height and weight when instantiating the class.
         * It makes sure the instance variables in the class are initialized to values 
         * specified  by the use of the class
        aBMISpreadsheet = new ABMISpreadsheet(EXAMPLE_HEIGHT, EXAMPLE_WEIGHT);
 * If c is an instance of C, then println(c) displays:
 *     a) the properties of c.
 *     b) the memory address of c.
 *     c) the hashcode of c.
 * In UsingConstructors, print() displays:
 *    a) the properties of its argument.
 *    b) the memory address of its argument.
 *    c) the hashcode of its argument.     

 * (T/F) It is possible to create an instance of ABMISpreadsheet whose
 * height and weight properties are 0.
 * (T/F) It is possible to create an instance of ABMISpreadsheet whose
 * BMI property is not a number (NaN).
 * (T/F) It makes sense for an instance of ABMISpreadsheet to have height and
 * weight set to 0.  
 * (T/F) (Without calling setters) It is possible to create an instance of 
 * ABMISpreadsheet whose height and weight properties are initialized to values 
 * chosen by the instantiator.
 * Next class {ABMISpreadsheet}
 * to constructor implementation.