 * This is an example of a Java program called a class in Java.
 * There are many ways to execute a class,
 * If you are editing the class and your insertion point is in it,
 * Right click->Debug As->Java Application is one way.
 * Use it or some other way you know to run this program.
 * If you do not see the Java Application option in Debug As, or your get a 
 * console message:
 * "Cannot run or load class"
 * then your project is misconfigured and you to delete the
 * oeall.jar file from the class path.
 * Look at the ObjectEditor PPT
 * http://www.cs.unc.edu/~dewan/comp401/current/Lectures/ObjectEditorLib.pdf
 * on importing JavaTeaching  on how to do so. You have to select
 * the project then Right Click->Properties->Build Path->Libraries. 
 * Select oeall22.jar (it should be red, and remove it. 
 * You will get a bunch of errors now but you can do the praxis. Look at
 * the objecteditor ppt on how to add your downloaded oeall to the class/build path.
 * How is a package stored in the file system?
 * T/F For each class, a folder is created.
 * T/F For each class, a file is created.
 * How is a class stored in the file system?
 * T/F For each package, a folder is created.
 * T/F For each package, a file is created.
 * A class (named AConsoleReadingUpperCasePrinter below) may be contained in 
 * a named hierarchical package much as a file can be in a named hierarchical folder
 * This class is in a package called scanning which is a sub-package of lectures.
 * In fact, for each package, the OS creates a folder and for each class in a 
 * package it creates a file in the folder of its package.
 * This correspondence means that two different packages can 
 * contain classes with the same short name. However a package cannot 
 * contain two classes with the same name.
 * A package name should start with a lower case letter.
 * Why are packages useful?
 * T/F The full name of a class contains its package and class name.
 * T/F The short name of a class is its package name.
 * The package name followed by . followed by the short name of the class is 
 * its full or long name.
 * The full name of this class is lectures.scanning.AConsoleReadingUpperCasePrinter 
 * (if you have made a copy
 * it is lectures.scanning.copy.AConsoleReadingUpperCasePrinter).
package lectures.scanning; 
     * IMPORTS
     * T/F It makes sense for a class to import only those classes that are 
     * not in its package.
     * If a class C1 refers a class C2 in a different (external) package, 
     * then it must use either the full name of class C2 or import C2.
     * Below, we are importing an external class not in the package of this class.
     * What happens if you comment this import out?
     * Now execute CTRL-SHIFT-O and make the selection. The import should reappear.
     * This is a good way to import classes whose full names you do not remember or know.
     * Can a program that uses external packages not have imports?
     * Why are imports useful?
import java.util.Scanner; 
     * CLASSS    
     * A class is like a file in non object oriented languages.
     * A class name should be camelCase starting with an upper case letter.
     * That is, the first word in the name should be a lowercase letter
     * and  each subsequent word should start with an uppercase letter.
public class AConsoleReadingUpperCasePrinter { 
     * T/F Only a class with a main method can be executed.  
     * T/F A main method is the: first method executed when its class is run.
     * T/F A main method is the last method executed when its class is run.
     * Every runnable program must have at least one class that declares a main method.
     * Syntax of main method shown below. This is the first method called when
     * the program is run, and can of course call other methods.
     * Methods correspond to procedures and functions in other languages.
     * A method name should be camelCase 
     * Everything before the first curly brace is the method header.
     * What is the purpose of the args parameter to the main method? 
     * (It is ok if you do not know the answer).
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     * T/F A main method must have an argument named args.
     * T/F A main method can have a int argument.
     * T/F Constraints put on the header of the main method makes it easier for
     *  a human being to find it in the containing main class
     * T/F Constraints put on the header of the main main method make it easier
     *     for the Java interpreter, which executes a main method, to find it in the containing class.
     * T/F Constraints put on the header of the main method can prevent 
     *     programming errors such as returning a value that is not processed by the interpreter.
     * What happens if you use each of the following headers for main instead? 
     * Can you execute the program?
     * You cannot execute the program if you do not see the Java Application option 
     * in the Run As or Debug As menu command, or if you see the console message, 
     * cannot find or load main method.
     * Comment out the header above and uncomment the following to see what happens?
     * Does the program compile? 
     * Can the program be executed - do you get an option to run it?
     * You can comment and uncomment a set of selected lines using the 
     * shortcut CTRL/
     * In the case of a single line, it is sufficient to have the insertion point 
     * in the line.
     * This exercise shows that a method with an arbitrary header cannot be
     * considered a main method. To understand why such constraints are necessary,
     * consider two entities, the Java interpreter and a human reading your code,
     * that must be able to search for the main method.
     * When you execute a class, the Java interpreter must find the method so
     * it can execute it and pass it the expected parameters.
     * When humans  reads your code, they must be able to determine the 
     * starting method without relying on perhaps missing or obsolete comments.
//  public static void main(String args) 
//  public static void main(String[] anArgs) 
//  public static void main(String anArgs[]) 
//  public void main(String anArgs[]) 
//  public static int main(String anArgs[]) 

    * The code between the outermost curly braces is the method body.
    * A method body is a sequence of statements terminated with semicolons;
        System.out.println ("Please enter a string with uppercase and lower case letters.");
         /* Use of library, nothing conceptual here, just some syntax */
         * The next statement needs to be executed once per console reading program
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
         * The Scanner nextLine() method:
         *  (a) returns the remainder of the current line input by the user 
         *     and advances to the next line.
         *  (b) advances to the next line and returns all the characters in it.
         * The next statement gives the next line input by the user on the console. 
         * Hover on method name, nextLine, to see its description and answer the 
         * questions above. 
        String scannedString = scanner.nextLine(); 
        int index = 0; // variable names should be camel case starting with lower case letters 
         * (T/F) A token produced by scanning a string can have non consecutive 
         *       characters of the string.
         * (T/F) A string scanned by a scanner is a concatenation of all the tokens 
         *       detected by the scanner.
         * Syntax of Java while loop shown below
         * The loop is  "scans" scannedString, that is, 
         * it examines every character in the string and finds
         * substrings of interest called tokens.
         * A substring SS of a string S is a sequence of consecutive characters
         * in S.
         * Not every character of a scanned string S is of interest, and thus,
         * part of an output token.
         * Characters are letters, digits, spaces and other values you can enter 
         * from the keyboard.
         * A string can be considered an array or sequence of characters.
         * How many characters in each token identified by this loop?
         * Is this use of the term "scanning" consistent with its use in the 
         * English language?
        while (index < scannedString.length()) {
             * The charAt() operation returns a value of type:
             *   (a) String.
             *   (b) char.
             *   (c) none of the above
             *  If L is the length of the String on which charAt() is invoked,
             *      legal arguments of charAt() are in the range: 
             *   (a) 0..L
             *   (b) 1..L
             *   (c) 0..L-1
             *   (d) 1..L-1
             *   (e) None of the above
             *           * 
             * charAt() gives character at index, hover over its name to get its 
             * behavior and answer the questions.
             * A char is a type defined to store characters.
            char nextLetter = scannedString.charAt(index);
             * Which is true:
             *     (a) The character 'a' is greater than the character 'b'.
             *     (b) The character 'a' is smaller than the character 'b'.
             *     (c) The character 'a' and 'b' cannot be compared.
             * Which is true:
             *     (a) The character 'a' and '0' cannot be compared in Java.
             *     (b) The character 'a' and '0' can be compared in Java but 
             *         it is not good style to make this comparison.
             *     (c) The character 'a' and '0' can be compared in Java and it
             *         is good style to make this comparison.
             * (T/F) Given strings s1 and s2, s1 + s2 is 
             *      (a)the sum of the lengths of (number of characters in) s1 and s2.        * 
             *      (b)the result of appending s2 to s1.
             *      (c)none of the above.
             * Syntax of if statement with optional else shown below
             * the if check shows that characters are ordered
             * This ordering  preserves letter and digit ordering
             * You should only compare digits, lowercase letters and upper case 
             * letters with each other, not digits and letters or lower case 
             * and upper case with each other as these orderings are not fundamental.
            if (nextLetter >= 'A' && nextLetter <= 'Z') {
                System.out.println("Token:" + nextLetter); // + here means string concatenation
            // just showing the else syntax below
//          else {
//              System.out.println("Skipping:" + nextLetter);
//          }
         * When the String "Albert Einstein" is input, the tokens produced are
         * the strings:
         *     (a) "Albert" and "Einstein"
         *     (b) "A" and "B"
         *     (c) None of the above
         *  The values of variable, index, when the print is executed are:
         *      (a) Each of the values in the range 0..scannedString.length()-1
         *      (b) Each of the values in the range 0..scannedString.length()
         *      (c) 0 and 7
         *      (d) 1 and 8
         *      (e) None of the above       
        scanner.close(); // we are done with the scanner, we are actually just done
        System.out.println ("Program ends.");
