package lectures.ui;
import util.annotations.WebDocuments;

import util.misc.ThreadSupport;
import lectures.interfaces.ABMISpreadsheet;
import lectures.interfaces.BMISpreadsheet;
import bus.uigen.OEFrame;
import bus.uigen.ObjectEditor;

@WebDocuments({"Lectures/Ui.pptx", "Lectures/Ui.pdf", "Videos/Ui.avi"})
public class OERefresh {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        final double initialHeight = 1.77;
        final double initialWeight = 75;
        BMISpreadsheet aBMISpreadsheet = new ABMISpreadsheet(initialHeight, initialWeight);
        OEFrame anOEFrame = ObjectEditor.edit(aBMISpreadsheet);
        // What happens if we change a displayed object from the program, as below.
        // Will the display change? Think about it and then run the program.
        final double aWeightGain = 2;
        final int aNumGains = 5;
        final long aTimeBetweeenGains = 1000; // one second
        for (int aCount = 0; aCount < aNumGains; aCount++) {
            aBMISpreadsheet.setWeight(aBMISpreadsheet.getWeight() + aWeightGain);
            ThreadSupport.sleep(aTimeBetweeenGains); // pause the program
//                  anOEFrame.refresh();
        System.out.println ("No more weight again!");
        // Execute the Common->Refresh command and observe its behavior
        // Now uncomment the refresh() line above and run the program again.
        // Does the new behavior make sense?
