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This chapter presented our method for describing source-level behavior in an abstract manner using the a-b-t model. The basic observation behind this model is that the job of a TCP connection is to transfer one or more application data units (ADUs) between two network endpoints. TCP is sensitive to the sizes of these ADUs, which determine the number of segments required to transfer them, but it is insensitive to the actual semantics of each ADU. Consequently, we proposed to describe the source-level workload of TCP connections in terms of ADUs, characterizing their number, order, and sizes. Additionally, we also observed that applications may remain inactive during long periods of time (e.g., during user think times), which often results in TCP connections that last far longer than required to transfer their ADUs. This motivated us to also incorporate quiet times into our generic descriptions of source-level behavior. We formulated these ideas into the a-b-t model, which describes source-level behavior in abstract terms common to all applications. The model distinguishes \(a\)-type ADUs, sent from the connection initiator to the connection acceptor, and \(b\)-type ADUs, sent in the opposite direction the connection. It also distinguishes between quiet times due to inactivity on the initiator endpoint and due to inactivity on the acceptor endpoint.

Our analysis of TCP connections observed on real Internet links revealed two types of source-level behavior, which motivated us to develop two different versions of our a-b-t model. Most TCP connections exchange ADUs in a sequential, alternating manner, where a-type ADUs usually play the role of request from client and b-type ADUs usually play the role of responses from servers. We describe this first type of source-level behavior using the sequential version of our a-b-t model, which consists of a sequence of epochs, where each epoch captures one exchange of ADUs (i.e., one a-type ADU and one b-type ADU). The rest of the TCP connections exhibit data exchange concurrency, where their endpoints send at least one pair of ADUs simultaneously. We describe this second type of source-level behavior using the concurrent version of our a-b-t model, where the ADUs and the quiet times from each endpoint are described independently. The examples from real applications examined in this chapter demonstrated the ability of the a-b-t model to provide a detailed description of source-level behavior for both sequential and concurrent data-exchanges. This means that our approach is able to characterize the source-level behavior of entire traffic mixes without any need to understand the specific semantics of each individual application present in the mix.

A fundamental strength of abstract source-level modeling is the possibility of acquiring data from packet header traces in an efficient manner. This is critical to make the approach widely applicable. Packet header traces do not contain any application-level payload, so they are easy to anonymize simply by replacing IP addresses. As a consequence, many organizations have made packet header traces of their Internet links public [nlab]. We proposed a data analysis algorithm that can transform the set of segment headers observed for each connection in a trace into an a-b-t connection vector. The cost of this algorithm is \(O(s W)\), where \(s\) is the number of segments and \(W\) the maximum window size. The algorithm relies on the concept of logical data order (i.e., the order of data as understood by the application layer) to robustly handle segment reordering and retransmission. This approach enables us to measure the real size of ADUs at the application level, to distinguish between source-level quiet times and quiet times due to losses, and to identify data exchange concurrency without false positives. We validated this algorithm using synthetic applications, studying the impact of the sizes of socket reads and writes, delays between socket operations and packet loss. The results demonstrated that our data acquisition algorithm is very accurate. Our validation also studied the accuracy of our data acquisition when our basic algorithm is extended with a quiet time threshold to separate consecutive ADUs flowing in the same direction. Even in this case, we only uncovered minor inaccuracies in the measured inter-ADU quiet times when arbitrary delays between socket reads are used and when connections suffered from packet loss.

We concluded the chapter with a statistical analysis of the a-b-t connection vectors in five packet header traces. Three of these traces came from our own data collection effort at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the other two traces, Leipzig-II and Abilene-I, came from NLANR's public repository of packet header trace. Before we presented the analysis, we pointed out the need to filter out the following two types TCP connections:

In addition, our statistical analysis of the traces considered only fully-captured TCP connections, those for which we observed both the segment performing connection establishment and connection termination. We therefore ignored partially-captured connections, which contained only partial information about source-level behavior. Our results considered sequential and concurrent connections separately. We can highlight the following observations from these results:

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Doctoral Dissertation: Generation and Validation of Empirically-Derived TCP Application Workloads
© 2006 Félix Hernández-Campos