Archive for the 'Info' Category


Thursday, February 1st, 2007

No class today.

Download SPIM

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

You’ll need the MIPS emulator SPIM for the next problem set. Here are some links:


Tuesday, January 9th, 2007
Welcome to Comp 411 Computer Organization for Spring 2007. I’ll be using this web site to keep you up to date on class happenings. I’m still debating how best to use Wordpress for our class. Tell me what you think using the comments on this posting.I think I’ll try using the blog feature to post our daily slides and handouts. I’ll make some categories for the posts so that you can easily look at assignments, lecture slides, or other info.

I’m looking forward to this class. We will pull back the covers and see how computers really work. Many students find this class very difficult because you have to deal with many levels of abstraction. This is good preparation for a career in computer science where we constantly deal with systems that are way too complicated to understand without abstraction.

I’ll play some of my favorite music just before class each day. Come early to expand your musical horizons!