Hints and Tips

So I've provided a bunch of interesting images. Now what?

Getting an image

If you want to use any of these images in your own Web pages, the first thing you should do is save the image on your own computer. If you are using Netscape, you can click the link beside the image, and it should either ask you where to save the image, or launch a helper application, which you can then use to save the image. Or you can right-click the image (or click and hold on the Mac), and you will get a menu - choose Save Image As....

Using a background

To use a background, include the background attribute in the body tag, like this:
<BODY BACKGROUND="images/marble.jpg">
This uses the file "marble.jpg", inside the "images" directory, as the background. For more information see Hartwick College HTML Manual section on Backgrounds and Colors.

Using other images

To use any other image, include an image tag, like this:
<IMG SRC="images/line1.jpg">
This displays the file "line1.jpg" right in the flow of your text. Text will automatically flow around your image. You might want to surround the image with line breaks (<BR>) or paragraph breaks (<P>), or use the special tag <BR CLEAR> to make text continue on the next line after your image. For more information see Hartwick College HTML Manual section on Images.

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