# # Usage: gnuplot < GnuplotScript # # terminal types are x11, ... The last field is the font-size # set terminal postscript eps 18 ... for .eps output # set terminal postscript eps color 18 ... for colored output set terminal postscript portrait 18 set function style linespoints set data style linespoints # set logscale xy # set nologscale # set xrange[0:100] set autoscale #this is the name of the output file set output "min-max.ps" show output #title the graph and label the axes; can specify different font for title/labels set title "Min-max ratio of TCP throughput with large number of flows" font "Helvetica,20" set xlabel "Number of TCP flows" set ylabel "Min-max ratio of TCP throughput(%)" # these are files with points in the form x y # title specifies the legend # ... lw specifies the linewidth for each line plot "file1" title "3 threads" lw 2,\ "file2" title "95% confidence intervals" with errorbars # wait for me to hit return pause -1 quit