
This application illustrates the use of the FileOutputStream class for writing a stream of data to a file. It can accept two parameters from the commandline: a filename and a path.
import java.awt.*;

public class FileStreamRead  {
//  simplest read from a file

  public FileStreamRead  ()  {
    super ();
  }  // end FileStreamRead  constructor

  public static void main ( String [ ] args )  {

  String fileName;
  String path;
  File inFile;
  FileInputStream  inStream;
  String message;
  char [ ]  messageArray = new char [ 100 ];

  FileStreamRead readAppl = new FileStreamRead ();

  if ( args.length > 0 ) fileName= args[0];
  else {
    fileName = new String ( "testfile" );
    path = new String ( "/afs/unc/home/jbs/public_html/java/wwwp/lecture_8" );
  if ( args.length > 1 ) path = args[1];
  else path = new String ( "/afs/unc/home/jbs/public_html/java/wwwp/lecture_8" );

  inFile = new File ( path, fileName );
  try { inStream = new FileInputStream ( inFile ); }
  catch ( IOException except ) { return; }

  System.out.println ( "Reading from file: " + inFile.getName() );

    boolean more = true;
    int b = -1;

   while ( more ) {  // read whole file
    int j = 100;
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {  // read a hunk
      try {b = ( );} catch ( IOException except ) {;}
      if ( b == -1 ) {
        more = false;
        j = i;
      }  // end endoffile test
      messageArray [ i ] = (char)b;
    }  // end of hunk
    message = new String ( messageArray, 0, j );
    System.out.println ( message );
    }  // end while  ( whole file )

  try { inStream.close (); } catch ( IOException except ) { ; }

  }  // end main

}  // end FileStreamRead