Using thttp

thttp is a client/server program which simulates the http traffic generated by an arbitrary number of web clients ("browsers") and a single server. thttp, for our purposes, is useful in creating bursty network traffic that adds variable amounts of delay jitter to multimedia streams.

The recommended way to use thttp in the context of COMP 249 projects is to run a server on one of two new machines that have been added to the COMP 249 network (opie167 and barney167), and a client simulating 1000 browsers on the audio stream sender. This creates some contention on the outbound network interface of the client, and a fairly bursty traffic load on the network generally.

To start the server on opie167 or barney167, use the command:

       /usr/local/bin/thttpd -s 60 -p 12300

where -s is the duration of the program in seconds, and -p is the port that the server will be listening for requests on.

To start the client on your audio stream sender machine, use:

       /usr/local/bin/thttp -b 1000 -f host.config

where -b gives the number of browsers simulated, and -f gives the host config file which should look like this:


"Host" is the server you will be sending to, and "port" is the port on which the server will be listening for http document requests.

Both thttpd (server) and thttp (client) programs will output a usage message with the -h option.

Author: David Ott
Last updated: 10/14/99