Directions: From Raleigh: I-40 East for about 70 miles two exits past where the big rest stop at Warsaw is. Take the 373 exit labeled "Magnolia" exit. Turn Left at top of interchange. This will be a HWY 24. This section of road is about 7 miles and ends in a "T" intesection. Take a right at the end to continue East on HWY 24 toward Jacksonville.
Keep driving following the HWY 24 signs. You will be traveling through Beaulaville, Richlands, down to Jacksonville where the Marine base is. When in Jacksonville in about 2 miles youll go over the first bridge, after that bridge , stay in the right lanes for in about a mile HWY 24 will veer off sharpy to the right at a large intersection. The right two lanes will turn here.
This is still HWY 24 East. Drive past all the pawn shops on your left and go another 15 miles and you'll hit the beginning of Swansboro at the first stoplight on the outskirts of town, there will be a Food Lion to your right and be on the corner of "Queen's Creek Road". Turn Right on this road. Drive to the end. It is about 5 miles long and in the middle you'll cross over a low bridge across Queen's Creek.
When hit the stop sign at the end of that road ("T" intersection),
turn left on Bear Creek Rd. Drive about 1.5 miles and take a right at first
road (Shell Rock Landing Rd.). Go 0.5 miles and turn left at second
road (Peninsula Manor Rd.). About 1 mile on this road will change asphault
and name to: "Leslie Drive". House number 104 Leslie Dr. ("Keller"
on mailbox). We're the third house on Leslie Drive on the right (White
two story on the water). Phone number of House is: (910) 326-1209 Map: