The first question regarding to "list" won't appear in our exam. a.(5pts) Provide the header for a method that takes an array of ints and returns the percentage of elements that are perfect squares. A perfect square is an integer number whose square root is also an integer number. (You have to give this method a name.) public static double percentOfPerfectSquare(int[] a) b.(5pts) How would you check to see whether an element of the array (say, at index i) is indeed a perfect square? (Use the method double Math.sqrt(double x) to compute a square root.) One possible solution: int sqrtInt = (int)Math.sqrt(a[i]); if( sqrtInt * sqrtInt == a[i] ) CONDITION = true; Another possible solution: int sqrtInt = (int)Math.sqrt(a[i]); if( (double)sqrtInt = Math.sqrt(a[i])) CONDITION = true; c.(10pts) Assume that b is solved with the boolean CONDITION. Write the body of this method. int totalCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ // calculate CONDITION if (CONDITION) totalCount++; } return (double)totalCount / a.length;