Standard Writing Assignment Header

Each writing assignment should have the following header, with italicized text appropriately replaced.

Program or Lab or Homework #
Name: Insert your name
Due Date: Insert due date
Class: COMP110-003, Spring 2013
Instructor: Haohan Li 
Pledge: I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment. 

Standard Program Header

Each programming assignment should have the following header, with italicized text appropriately replaced.

Note: Once you have typed the header into Eclipse for your first program, you can copy and paste it to other assignments instead of typing it in each time. You will still need to make the appropriate changes for each assignment (assignment number, assignment name, due date, description, input, and output).

 * Program or Lab #: Insert assignment name
 * Programmer: Insert your name
 * Due Date: Insert due date
 * COMP110-003, Spring 2013       Instructor: Haohan Li
 * Pledge: I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid
 *         on this program. 
 * Description: Insert a brief paragraph describing the program
 * Input: Insert a brief description of user inputs, or "None" if
 *        there is no user input
 * Output: Insert a brief description of the program output
 * Answer to Additional Questions: Insert the answer to questions