Department of Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
COMP259: Physically-Based Modeling, Simulation and Animation
COMP 259: Physically-Based Modeling, Simulation and Animation
- Time and Place: TR 2:00-3:15pm, SN115
- Office Hours: TR 3:15-4:15pm, SN223
- TA: Claire O'Shea, TR 10:30am - 12:00pm, SN039
- Prerequisites: Math 166 AND
Instructor's approval
- Textbook: Course Notes and In-Class Handouts
Physically-based modeling and simulation attempts to map a natural
phenomena to a computer simulation program. There are two basic processes
in this mapping: mathematical modeling and
numerical solution. The goal of
this course is to understand both of them. The mathematical modeling
concerns the description of natural phenomena by
mathematical equations. Differential equations that govern dynamics
and geometric representation of objects are typical
ingredients of the mathematical model.
The numerical solution involves computing an efficient and accurate
solution of the mathematical equations. Finite precision of numbers,
limited computational power and memory forces us to approximate the
mathematical model with simple procedures.
In this course, we will study various techniques to simulate the physical
and mechanical behavior of objects in a graphical simulation or a virtual
environment. Students will learn about implementation of basic simulation
programs that produce interesting results and verify its correctness. The
course will cover three basic components in physically-based modeling and
The goal of this class is to get students an appreciation of
computational methods for modeling of motions in the physical and
virtual world. We will discuss various considerations and tradeoffs
used in designing simulation methodologies (e.g. time, space, robustness,
and generality). This will include data structures, algorithms,
computational methods and simulation techniques, their complexity
and implementation. The lectures will also cover some applications of
physically-based modeling and simulation to the following areas:
Computer Animation
Virtual Environments
Medical Simulation and Analysis
Special Effects Generation
Computer Game Dynamics
Rapid Prototyping for Design
Haptic Rendering/Interfaces
Robotics and Automation
Depending on the interests of the students, we may also cover
geometric-based simulation techniques, such as constraint-based
systems, inverse dynamics, kinematics of motions, motion
planning, synethesis and generation of autonomous agents.
Here is a list of TENTATIVE lecture topics (subject to
changes). Schedule and information on each topic (e.g. readings, web
pointers) will be added during the semester before each class.
Overview (Thur, Jan 12, 2006)
Basics of Motion Generations for Animation
(Tues, Jan 17, 2006)
ODE Basics: Initial Value Problem (Thur, Jan 19, 2006)
ODE & Intro to Particle System Dynamics (Tues, Jan 24, 2006)
Particle System Dynamics (Thur, Jan 26, 2006)
Particle Sysem Dynamics Simplification (Tues, Jan 31, 2006)
Hair Modeling & Simulation (Thur, Feb 2, 2006)
Constrained Dynamics (Tues, Feb 7, 2006)
Implicit Methods (Thur, Feb 9, 2006)
In-Class Demos (HW#1) (Tues, Feb 14, 2006)
Review on Comp Geom (Thur, Feb 16, 2006)
Collision Detection: Basics & Convex Polyhedra
(Tues, Feb 21, 2006)
Collision Detection: BVHs & Spatial Partitioning
(Thur, Feb 23, 2006)
Walt Disney Animation Presentation (Tues, Feb 28, 2006)
Collision Detection: BVHs & Spatial Partitioning
(Thur, Mar 2, 2006)
Molecular Dynamics Simulations
(Tues, Mar 7, 2006)
Crowd Simulation &
(Thur, Mar 9, 2006)
SPRING BREAK (March 13-17, 2006)
Modeling & Simulation Using Implicit Surfaces
(Tues, Mar 21, 2006)
Atmospheric Simulation
(Thur, Mar 23, 2006)
Rigid Body Dynamics (I)
(Tues, Mar 28, 2006)
Rigid Body Dynamics (II) &
(Thur, Mar 30, 2006)
Intro to Deformable Body Dynamics
(Tues, Apr 4, 2006)
HW#3 In-Class Demos
(Thur, Apr 6, 2006)
Speech Driven Facial Animation &
Dynamics of Falling Leaves
(Tues, Apr 11, 2006)
Dynamics of Falling Leaves &
Modeling of Electromagnetism
(Thur, Apr 13, 2006)
Project Progress Report
(Tues, Apr 18, 2006)
Physically-based Modeling of Natural Phenomena
(Thurs, Apr 20, 2006)
Intro to Comp. Fluid Dynamics &
Modeling of Fluid Phenomena
(Tues, Apr 25, 2006)
Modeling of Fluid Phenomena &
Interaction between Fluid & Objects
(Thur, Apr 27, 2006)
Reference Papers Used in Lectures:
Course Notes on Physically-Based Modeling
Reading List for the Class
(updated throughout the semester)
The class grade of each student is determined by
Homework (30%)
Class Presentation (20%)
Final Project (50%)
UNC Research Group
on Geometric Algorithms for Modeling, Motion and Animation
UNC Interactive
Collision Detection and Proximity Queries Packages
Computer Tools for Analysis and Simulation (Cornell)
(GRAVIR / IMAG research lab / INRIA)
Center for Human Modeling and
MIRALab (University of Geneva)
Rutgers Computational Biomedicine
Imaging and Modeling (Rutgers)
National Advanced Driving Simulator
of Aukland, Bioengineering Research Group
Norman Badler
David Baraff (now at Pixar)
Ronan Boulic
David Breen
Chris Bregler
Robert Bridson
Marie-Paule Cani
Stephen Chenney
Mathieu Desbrun
Petros Faloutsos
Ron Fedkiw
Eugene Fiume
Doug James
Jessica Hodgins
Michael Gleicher
Hyeong-Seok Ko
Dimitris Metaxas
Mirtich (now at Cognex)
James O'Brien
Carol O'Sullivan
Richard Parent
Dinesh Pai
Nancy Pollard
Jovan Popovic
Zoran Popovic
Jos Stam
Peter Schroder
Karan Singh
Daniel Thalmann
Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann
Demetri Terzopoulos
Yizhou Yu
Michiel van de Panne
Witkin's Gallery (now at Pixar)
Boston Dynamics Inc.
Chris Hecker's Corner (Definition Six, Inc.)
Immersion Corporation
MSC.Working Knowledge
Pixar Animation Studios
Rhythm & Hues Studios
SensAble Technology
Here are just some possible locations to find geometric software/libraries
and algorithmic toolkits you may need:
Finite Element Resources
A comprehensive
collection of geometric software
CGAL: Computational
Geometry Algorithms Library (in C++)
Library of Efficient Datatypes and Algorithms (in C++)
The Stony
Brook Algorithm Repository: Implementation in C, C++, Pascal and Fortran
CMU's Computer Vision Homepage
Finite element
mesh generation and
Machine learning resources
Other Reference Books in Computer Animation:
Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control and Animation of Articulated
Figures, by Badler, Barsky and Zelter, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1991.
Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques: Theory and Practice,
by A. Watt and M. Watt, 1992.
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques, by Rick Parent, 1999.
Other Reference Books in Mechanics:
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis,
by R. D. Cook, D. S. Malkus and M. E. Plesha, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
Finite Element Procedures, by K.-J. Bathe, Prentice Hall, 1996.
First Course in Continuum Mechanics, by Y.C. Fung,
Prentice Hall, 1993.
Other Reference Books in Numerical Methods:
Numerical Recipes,
by Press, Flanner, Teukolsky and Vetterling, Cambridge University Press.
of Numerical Analysis, edited by Ciarlet and Lions, Vol. I - VI,
North-Holland, 1994.
Other Reference Books in Robotics:
Robot Motion Planning, by Latombe,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.
Robot Manipulators: Mathematics, Programming, and Control,
by R. P. Paul, MIT Press, 1981.
Other Reference Books in Geometry:
Computational Geometry (Algorithms and Applications), by de Berg,
van Kreveld, Overmars and Schwarzkofp, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Computational Geometry In C (Second Edition), by
O'Rourke, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Handbook on Discrete and Computational Geometry, by Goodman and
O'Rourke (eds), CRC Press LLC, 1997.
Applied Computational Geometry: Toward Geometric Engineering,
by Lin and Manocha (eds), Springer-Verlag, 1996.
Algorithms in Combinatorial Geometry, by Edelsbrunner,
Springer-Verlag, 1987.
Computational Geometry (An Introduction), by Preparata and Shamos,
Springer-Verlag, 1985.
For more information, contact
Ming C. Lin,
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