CS263 - Assignment 3 - Perspective Corrected Texture Mapping

A scene without texture mapping - white objects, white light, Phong shading:

Some textures:

Textures applied to scene (there is no anti-aliasing so the bricks look gross occasionally):

cp 8 26 64

cp 20 8 64

cp -20 16 66

Scene definition: scene.txt
Object definitions: house.txt, chimney.txt, garage.txt

Object characteristics
Kambient : 0.5
Kdiffuse : 0.7
Kspecular: 1.0
ns       : 5.0
fAtt     : 1.0
(attenutation ignored since it's 1.0)

Viewing specification
coa 8 8 54
Camera 1: cp 8 26 64
Camera 2: cp 20 8 64
Camera 3: cp -20 16 66
vup 0 1 0
window -1 -1 20 20
focal 20

Lighting specification
Ambient intensity (RGB): (0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
Light intensity (RGB)  : (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
Light position         : (-92, 108, 174)