CS266 Assignment 2 - Articulated figure motion

The purpose of this assignment was to generate the motion of an articulated figure represented by a hierarchy. The hierarchy I created for the figure in the animation is as follows:

|     |-----left arm
|     |     |-----left weapon rotator
|     |           |-----left weapon 0
|     |           |-----left weapon 1
|     |           |-----left weapon 2
|     |           |-----left weapon 3
|     |-----right arm
|           |-----right weapon rotator
|                 |-----right weapon 0
|                 |-----right weapon 1
|                 |-----right weapon 2
|                 |-----right weapon 3
|-----left upper leg
|     |-----left lower leg
|           |-----left foot
|-----right upper leg
      |-----right lower leg
            |-----right foot