Distribution (Stochastic) Raytracer

In this assignment, we were to include antialiasing, soft shadows, blurred reflections, and image texturing. A few example images are shown below.

Here is the standard scene, from the original version of the raytracer:

After adding in antialiasing (16 jittered samples per pixel) and 4 reflection ray samples for blurred reflections (no soft shadows in this image), this image was created:

In the next image there is antialiasing (16 jittered samples per pixel), 1 reflection ray, and 4 shadow ray samples for soft shadows:

Combining the two effects of blurred reflection and soft shadows, the next image has 16 jittered samples per pixel, 4 shadow ray samples, and 2 reflection ray samples:

Here are some other images for fun. I am not sure what parameters I used for this one, but it has textured surfaces and soft shadows (although you can see the splatter of the shadow samples):

This next image has 16 jittered samples per pixel, 4 shadow ray samples, and 2 reflection ray samples, and the glossy reflection and soft shadow look much better:

This last image also has 16 jittered samples per pixel, 4 shadow ray samples, and 2 reflection ray samples. It's a little hard to see the soft shadows because of the texture used for the floor, but you can see the blurred reflections fairly well:

Download the code.