Virtual Worlds Assignment 4: Interaction

In this assignment, we were to create a virtual environment that allows the user to interact with it in some way. I have been interested in creating interfaces which are not cumbersome to the user, yet still provide significant functionality. I used this assignment as an opportunity to explore some future directions described in my Haptic Hand work. In that work, I created a widget-based user interface panel that used the non-dominant hand itself (as opposed to a physical prop (such as a tablet or paddle) held in the non-dominant hand) to provide haptic feedback. The motivation behind creating such an interface was that carrying a physical prop can be tiresome, and when carrying a prop, the non-dominant hand can no longer be used for other interactions with the environment. Nevertheless, because different people have different hand shapes and sizes, tracking the non-dominant hand can be difficult. The idea behind this assignment was to combine the Haptic Hand idea with prop-based interaction. Tracking is kept simple by using a rigid paddle, and cumber is reduced by mounting the paddle on the forearm. Forearm interfaces are used in many applications, and in fact we often use an iPaq attached to the forearm when running user studies, but as far as I know, a forearm interface has not been implemented in a virtual environment. Eventually, I would like to explore the idea of presenting an interface on the forearm without using a physical prop at all.

I created a simple physical prop out of cardboard (Figure 1). A virtual interface panel (Figure 2) is displayed in the virtual environment in a pose such that it is registered with the physical cardboard.

Figure 1: The cardboard to which the virtual widget panel is registered. This cardboard is mounted on the forearm using Velcro and provides haptic feedback to the user's dominant index finger during interaction. It is tracked using a single Polhemus Fastrak sensor mounted in the corner, also using Velcro.

Figure 2: The virtual interface panel.

The Panel and Widgets

Currently, my system supports two kinds of widgets: buttons and sliders. Much of this code was adapted from my Haptic Hand work but was modified to make it much more general. The panel and widgets are fairly configurable. The system supports using arbitrary models, so you can plug in uniquely-shaped models for the panel, etc. You can also specify certain parameters for each type of widget. Below is an excerpt from a panel configuration file:

Model = ./Models/UI/ForearmPanel.WMOF
Image = ./Models/UI/gas.wmif

Type = button

Model = ./Models/UI/button.WMOF
Translate = 0.06, -0.04, 0.0
Displacement = 0.0, 0.0, -0.005

InactiveImage = ./Models/UI/resetscale_inact.wmif
ActiveImage = ./Models/UI/resetscale_act.wmif
CollidingImage = ./Models/UI/resetscale_coll.wmif

type = slider

InactiveImage = ./Models/UI/red_inact.wmif
ActiveImage = ./Models/UI/red_act.wmif
CollidingImage = ./Models/UI/red_coll.wmif

Translate = -0.06, 0.02, 0.0

SliderModel = ./Models/UI/slider.WMOF
TrackModel = ./Models/UI/sliderTrackVertical.WMOF

MinPos = 0.0, -0.03, 0.0
MaxPos = 0.0, 0.03, 0.0
MinVal = 0
MaxVal = 100

For both buttons and sliders, you can specify an InactiveImage, ActiveImage, and CollidingImage, which are the texture images used when the widget is inactive, active, and colliding with the dominant index finger (or whatever else the programmer has specified as collideable with the widget), respectively. You can also specify a translation for each widget -- this positions the widget relative to the model-space origin of the panel model. I did not want to spend the immense effort required in creating a layout manager, but this technique allowed me to create custom panels fairly quickly. Buttons also let you specify a displacement value, which determines how far the button will move when you press it. Sliders, on the other hand, allow you to specify minimum and maximum valid sliding positions, as well as minimum and maximum values.

Interacting with the panel

Interacting with the interface panel is relatively straightforward. The user must simply bring their dominant index finger in contact with the forearm interface. In particular, when the index finger intersects with a widget, the widget is manipulated. Collision detection is done using PQP. By doing some calibration, the virtual panel and the physical cardboard prop are registered such that touching the virtual panel results in touching the physical cardboard. Unfortunately, because the physical configuration of the Polhemus Fastrak trackers has changed (other students in the class also needed the trackers), I was unable to get a picture of someone interacting with the system for this writeup.


To register the virtual panel to the physical cardboard, some calibration was required. This was done by measuring the transform between the Polhemus Fastrak tracker attached to the cardboard and the upper left corner of the cardboard (the origin -- also used as the origin for the virtual panel model). In addition, a tracker was mounted on the dominant hand's index finger, 2cm away from the fingertip. When I initially demonstrated this system, there was a minor problem with the calibration transforms that allowed the user to manipulate widgets without actually touching the surface of the cardboard. I have since corrected this issue, but I have not had a chance to demonstrate the system again.

The Application

This assignment was initially going to be the beginning of my original final project idea, but my final project has since changed. As such, the application for this assignment was not very far along, as I concentrated mostly on getting the interface itself working. The current interface panel has five sliders and one button on it (see Figure 2). Four of the sliders are used to adjust parameters of a virtual knot floating above a pedestal in front of the user in the virtual environment (Figure 3). The "Red," "Blue," and "Green" sliders adjusted the red, blue, and green color components of the knot. The "Alpha" slider adjusted the knot's transparency level.

Figure 3: A knot floating above a pedestal in the environment. The color and transparency of this knot were adjustable via the forearm panel interface.

The fifth slider ("World Scale") was used to adjust the scale of the world around the user. In my original final project idea, I was planning on using sliders to move back and forth through time in a physical simulation, as well as to adjust the size of the world to allow users to explore the world at different scales. The world scaling works, but since I have not yet implemented the ability to carry the Polhemus Fastrak tracking system around with the user, exploration of the world is limited to a very local area. The size of the panel and hand must, of course, remain the same for the user to interact with the panel. Figure 4 shows the pedestal towering over the user when the environment has been scaled to be much larger. The "Reset Scale" button was used to reset the world's scale back to 1.0.

Figure 4: A pedestal towering over the user when the world has been scaled to be much larger.

Code... available here! You need the Eveil and Wild Magic 3.2 libraries to build it.