Creating a panoramic image from multiple photographs

In this assignment, we had to combine two or more images into a panoramic view. This was implemented in MATLAB using the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT), normalized DLT, and Gold Standard algorithms. For the Gold Standard algorithm, I minimized the Sampson approximation to the geometric error. I tested the algorithms using 4-point and 10-point correspondences between a pair of images. The images I used are:

Input image to transform Base image

Below are the correspondence points I used in the 4-point case, followed by the images and errors obtained using the three different methods:

Correspondence points (input image) Correspondence points (base image)

DLT: symmetric transfer error = 3.0649e-022

NDLT: symmetric transfer error = 1.7368e-026

Gold Standard: Sampson error = 4.7129e-027

Here are the correspondence points I used in the 10-point case, followed by the images and errors obtained using the three different methods:

Correspondence points (input image) Correspondence points (base image)

DLT: symmetric transfer error = 6.0571

NDLT: symmetric transfer error = 5.9495

Gold Standard: Sampson error = 1.4902

The code can be downloaded here.