COMP 110-003 Fall 2008

In-class exercise: Methods

October 3, 2008


The purpose of this exercise is to give you some practice in writing methods in classes.

Download and Make sure they are both in the same directory on your computer. Read through both files and try to understand what is happening. Note that contains a main method and is the main program that will be run. Try to compile both files. You will get some compiler errors. Your goal is to fix so that it is error-free. Once you have fixed the errors, you can recompile both files and run the program (make sure you are in the window when you try to run the program).

There are five things that you will be required to do. For the first four items, follow the getName and setName methods as examples. Note that all of the instance variables in the class Student are declared as private. This means that you cannot directly access these variables from outside the class Student (for example, if you have an object of type Student named jack you cannot write jack.major). The methods, however, are all declared public.

  1. Fill in the code for the getMajor method in

  2. Fill in the code for the setMajor method in

  3. Fill in the code for the getAge method in

  4. Fill in the code for the setAge method in

  5. Write the code for the increaseYear method in

  6. Pay attention to the description in the comments above where you should put your increaseYear method. Look at the code at the bottom of to see how the increaseYear method is being called (the code is currently commented out). Note: after you write your increaseYear method, uncomment the code at the bottom of to test your increaseYear method. Reference pp. 243-249 (4th edition) or 262-267 (5th edition) if you have any questions.

This exercise will not be graded. We will discuss it later. You are welcome to work in groups, but make sure you understand the concepts. Ask questions if you are having trouble.