Comp411: Computer Organization
Comp411: Computer Organization
Histogram and Approximate Letter Grades:
✴The histogram above shows the scores (out of 100), grouped into five bands. Each band has an approximate range of letter grades applicable to that band of scores.
✴The scores here do not include Labs 7-9, Quiz 4 and Problem Set 5 yet. The lowest homework/quiz/lab scores have not yet been dropped. Also, Extra Credit work has not been included yet.
✴Disclaimer: Do NOT read too much into the letter grades indicated. These are coarse approximations at best. Your final letter grade in this course may be higher or lower than indicated by the bar chart, especially since some scores have yet to be included. The letter grades or score bands suggested here will NOT encumber the instructor’s or the TAs’ prerogative to assign appropriate final letter grades for the course.
✴See below for a chart of individual scores. You can check your own individual score on Sakai, but do not pay attention to any Pass/Fail or letter grade reported currently by Sakai (those are built-in defaults, not something keyed in by the instructor).
Individual Scores