# Find the largest Fibonacci number smaller than 100 .data 0x0 x: .space 4 y: .space 4 .text 0x3000 .globl main main: sw $0, 0($0) # x = 0; addi $9, $0, 1 # y = 1; sw $9, 4($0) lw $8, 0($0) while: # while (y < 100) { slti $10, $9, 100 beq $10, $0, endw add $10, $0, $8 # int t = x; add $8, $0, $9 # x = y; sw $8, 0($0) add $9, $10, $9 # y = t + y; sw $9, 4($0) beq $0, $0, while # } endw: ori $v0, $0, 10 # system call 10 for exit syscall # we are out of here.