In this exercise, you are to write a recursive implementation of a function fibonacci() that computes the N-th Fibonacci number, i.e., Fibonacci(N), using the following definition:
This function takes in a single integer and will return an integer result. You can assume that the function will be called only with an argument small enough so that the result does not overflow, i.e., fits within 32 bits. A non-recursive implementation of the function will receive zero credit.
First implement this function in C. Keep in mind the following:
Your program should do the following:
Name the file with your C code ex1.c. Test it using your own inputs, and also the sample inputs provided.
Once your C code is working correctly, write the equivalent MIPS assembly program (ex1.asm), that does the same. That is, your main procedure must repeatedly read an integer from the input (using syscall 5, then call fibonacci to compute the Fibonacci number, and finally use syscall 1 to print the result. The program should terminate when the integer read is 0, but after computing and printing its Fibonacci value (=0).
Name the file with your assembly code ex1.asm. Test it using your own inputs, and also the sample inputs provided.
In this exercise, you are to write a recursive implementation of a function bedtimestory() that takes a sequence of words and spins them into a story, as follows. If the input to the function bedtimestory() is this sequence of strings—"child", "frog", "bear", "weasel"—then it prints the following output:
A child couldn't sleep, so her mother told a story about a little frog, who couldn't sleep, so the frog's mother told a story about a little bear, who couldn't sleep, so the bear's mother told a story about a little weasel, ... who fell asleep. ... and then the little bear fell asleep; ... and then the little frog fell asleep; ... and then the child fell asleep.
Note carefully the subtle differences in the outputs for the different strings above, especially the first and the last strings:
The number of strings that bedtimestory() will be called with will be determined at runtime. You will write a main() procedure that will read these strings from the input, put them into an array of strings (up to 20 strings in the array, each string no longer than 15 characters including NULL), and pass this array to bedtimestory(). Use the following code template:
void bedtimestory(char words[20][15], int current, int number) { ... // Print something before ... // Recursive call to bedtimestory() ... // Print something after } main() { char names[20][15]; // Up to 20 names, each up to 15 letters long (incl. NULL) int num; ... // Read the names from the input // until you read "END" bedtimestory(names, 0, num); }
The main() procedure should read the strings from the input, each string on a line by itself. The last line of the input will have the string "END" on it, indicating that there are no more strings to be read. Use a loop with fgets() in main() to read the input, and store the strings in the array names, and keep track of the total number read. Then call bedtimestory().
For the above example, the input given to the program is:
child frog bear weasel END
Your implementation of bedtimestory() must be recursive. A non-recursive implementation of the function will receive zero credit. Name the file with your C code ex2.c. Test it using your own inputs, and also the sample inputs provided. You are not required to do this part in assembly language!