A number of copies of the following reprints are available for the asking:

David A. Plaisted and Yunshan Zhu, Ordered Semantic Hyper Linking, Journal of Automated Reasoning 25(3):167-217, October 2000.

David A. Plaisted and Gregory Kucherov, The complexity of some complementation problems, Information Processing Letters 71 (1999) 159-165.

Plaisted, D., A heuristic algorithm for small separators in arbitrary graphs, SIAM Journal on Computing 19:2 (1990) 267 - 280.

Nie, X. and Plaisted, D., Refinements to depth-first iterative deepening search in theorem proving, Artificial Intelligence 41 (1989/90) 223 - 235.

Plaisted, D. and Hong, J., A heuristic triangulation algorithm, Journal of Algorithms 8 (1987) 405 - 437.

Plaisted, D. and Greenbaum, S., A structure-preserving clause form translation, Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 (1986) 293 - 304.

Plaisted, D., A decision procedure for combinations of propositional temporal logic and other specialized theories, Journal of Automated Reasoning 2 (1986) 171 - 190.

Plaisted, D., Semantic confluence tests and completion methods, Information and Control 65 (1985) 182 - 215.

Plaisted, D., The undecidability of self-embedding for term rewriting systems, Information Processing Letters 20 (1985) 61-64.

Plaisted, D., Complete divisibility problems for slowly utilized oracles, Theoretical Computer Science 35 (1985) 245 - 260.

Plaisted, D., New NP-hard and NP-complete polynomial and integer divisibility problems, Theoretical Computer Science 31 (1984) 125-138.

Plaisted, D., The occur-check problem in Prolog, Journal of New Generation Computing 2 (1984) 309-322.

Plaisted, D., Complete problems in the first-order predicate calculus, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 29 (1984) 8-35.

Plaisted, D., Heuristic matching for graphs satisfying the triangle inequality, Journal of Algorithms 5 (1984) 163-179.

K. Supowit, E. Reingold, and D. Plaisted, The traveling salesman problem and minimum matching in the unit square, Siam J. Comput. 12 (1983) 144-156.