(* ============================================================================= Thanks to Aron Helser for the vast majority of this package Ported to SML '97 (well, sort of) by Chris VanderKnyff ============================================================================= *) (* ============================================================================= These routines will parse the fsm model data and construct the model as an internal structure the routine to use is getModel example val M = getModel "meet.fsm" ; now M is the fsm model but in internal ML data structure form. ============================================================================= *) (* ============================================================================= getModel generates a value of this type: string list * list of all atomic predicate names ( int * state number bool list * which atomic predicates are true in this state int list * list of next states string list ??? ) list all states in the FSM ============================================================================= *) (* type definitions *) type State = int * bool list * int list * string list; type Model = string list * State list; fun fileToString fileName = let val stream = TextIO.openIn fileName val str = TextIO.input(stream) val _ = TextIO.closeIn stream in str end; fun fileToList fileName = let fun f fh = if TextIO.endOfStream fh then let val _ = TextIO.closeIn fh in nil end else (TextIO.inputLine fh)::(f fh) in f(TextIO.openIn fileName) end; (* drops leading spaces *) fun dropSpace nil = nil | dropSpace(h::t) = if h=" " then dropSpace t else h::t; val skipSpace = SML90.implode o dropSpace o SML90.explode; (* drops trailing new line *) fun dropNL nil = nil | dropNL(h::t) = if h="\n" then dropNL t else h::dropNL t; val skipNL = SML90.implode o dropNL o SML90.explode; (* drops all null strings from a list of strings *) fun removeNull nil = nil | removeNull(h::t) = if h="" then removeNull t else h::removeNull t; (* gets rid of leading spaces, trailing newlines, and blank lines from a list of strings where each string is a line. *) val stripItDown = removeNull o map (skipNL o skipSpace); val END = ~1; val ATOMTOKS = [" ",","]; exception BadInput; fun white(c) = c=" " orelse c="\n" orelse c="\t"; fun digit(c) = c >= "0" andalso c <= "9"; (* finds out if something is in a list *) fun member x nil = false | member x(h::t) = (x=h) orelse member x t; (* returns the index, from zero, of the item if it is in the list. Otherwise, return ~1 *) fun membernth x nil = ~1 | membernth x (h::t) = if (x=h) then 0 else let val i = (membernth x t) in if i = ~1 then ~1 else 1 + i end; fun finishInt(i,s) = (* return the integer whose first digits have value i and whose remaining digits are found in s, up to the end or the first white space *) if s="" then i else let val c = hd (SML90.explode(s)) in if digit(c) then finishInt(10*i+SML90.ord(c)-SML90.ord("0"), substring(s, 1,size s-1)) else i end; fun getInt(s) = (* get the first digit from string; return END if there is no integer *) if s="" then END else let val c = hd (SML90.explode(s)) in if digit(c) then finishInt(SML90.ord(c)-SML90.ord("0"), substring(s, 1,size s-1)) else getInt(substring(s, 1,size s-1)) end; (* chop s into a list of strings separated by any of the chars in toks *) fun token([], s) = (s, "") | token(toks, "") = ("", "") | token(toks, s) = if member (substring(s, 0, 1)) toks then ("", substring(s, 1,size s-1)) else let val (M,N) = token(toks, substring(s, 1,size s-1)) in ((substring(s,0,1))^M, N) end; fun tokenize [] s = [s] | tokenize toks "" = [] | tokenize toks s = let val (M,N) = token(toks, s) in if M="" then (tokenize toks N) else M::(tokenize toks N) end; (* take list of lists and cats it together into just a list *) fun flatten nil = nil | flatten(h::t) = h @ flatten t; (* val k = map (tokenize[" ",","]) f; *) (* these functions process a list of lists which represents the tokens on the individual lines of the model input file. They each read in a different part of the model *) fun makeAtomicList ((";"::xs)::xxs:string list list) = ([],xxs) | makeAtomicList (([])::xxs:string list list) = makeAtomicList(xxs) | makeAtomicList ((x::xs)::xxs:string list list) = let val (M,N) = makeAtomicList( xs::xxs) in (x::M, N) end; (* form a bool list from the bitstring in the input file *) fun makeAtomTrueList("") = [] | makeAtomTrueList(y) = if substring(y,0,1) = "1" then true::makeAtomTrueList(substring(y, 1, size y-1)) else if substring(y,0,1) = "0" then false::makeAtomTrueList(substring(y, 1, size y-1)) else raise BadInput; (* form an int list list from the successors in the input file- This is the structure of the graph *) fun makeNextList (nil) = ([], []) | makeNextList (x::xs) = if (hd(SML90.explode(x)))= "#" then ([], x::xs) else let val (M,N) = makeNextList(xs) in ((getInt(x)::M), N) end; fun makeStateList (nil) = [] | makeStateList (x::y::xs) = if (hd(SML90.explode(x)))= "#" then let val (nextlist, rest) = makeNextList(xs) in (getInt(x), makeAtomTrueList(y), nextlist,[""])::makeStateList(rest) end else raise BadInput | makeStateList ("#END"::xs) = [] | makeStateList (_) = raise BadInput; fun makeModel (("STATES"::xs)::xxs:string list list) = makeModel(xxs) | makeModel (("ARCS"::xs)::xxs) = makeModel(xxs) | makeModel (("ATOMIC"::xs)::xxs) = let val (M,N) = makeAtomicList(xs::xxs) val P = makeStateList(flatten N) in (M,P) end; (* reads in a file and makes it into a tuple representing the model *) val getModel = makeModel o map (tokenize ATOMTOKS) o stripItDown o fileToList;