COMP 410, Fall 2012

Sample problems for Midterm Exam 1

(more to come, these are a start, will add at the end)

1) (a) Given an array A of integers, sorted into ascending order,
   design an efficient algorithm for finding is there is any 
   array subscript i where A[i] == i.  What is the worst case run 
   time of your algorithm (in "Big-Oh" notation)?

   (b) Do the same for an array A of non-negative integers, sorted in
   ascending order.  What is the worst case run time of your algorithm 
   (in "Big-Oh" notation)?

2) Prove by induction (make sure to show the base case, 
   the inductive hypothesis, and all steps in the proof)

      Sum (from k=1 to N) of k  is less than N^2 
                                        for all N >= 2

3) (a) Show the result of inserting these integers (in this order) into
   an initially empty AVL tree:

     2, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 6, 7

   Make sure to show the tree after each insertion. I can give partial
   credit is you give good detail.  You might consider showing the 
   patterns we used to define the various insertion situations that
   are possible.

   (b) Show the tree after doing delete 4 on the result from (a)

   (c) Show the tree after doing delete 9 on the result from (b)

4) The height of a tree that is only one node (no children) is zero.
   Given this, work these problems (BST is Binary Search Tree):

   (a) In a BST with N nodes, the maximum height is what? (in terms of N)

   (b) In a BST of N nodes, the minimum height is what?

   (c) In an AVL tree of 12 nodes, the maximum height is what?

   (d) In an AVL tree of 12 nodes, the minimum height is what?

5) Consider this algorithm:
   Take a Complete Binary Tree T.  We dont know anything about it except that
   it meets the requirements to be a BST.  Start at the root.  Select
   at random one of the children and go to that child; count that
   path as length 1. Select at random one of the children of this child.  
   Go to that child and increase the path length to 2.  Continue to
   select random children and counting the path length until you hit a
   leaf.  Lets say when we are done the path length we found is K.

   Using this number K give bounds on the number of nodes in this tree.

6) We have a tree with the following properties:

    (a) It is a binary tree.
    (b) For each node R, all values in the subtree
        rooted at R's left child are smaller than the value of R;
        all values stored in the subtree rooted at R's right subchild
        are greater than R's value.
        This tree is a (circle one or more): 
          Binary Search Tree, 
          AVL Tree, 
          Left-Right Topo Tree,
          Binary Heap
          Splay Tree, 
          not something we have studied

7) We have a tree with the following properties:

    (a) It is a binary tree.
    (b) For any two paths P1 and P2 that go from root to a leaf,
        the AbsoluteValue(length(P1)-length(p2)) is either 0 or 1.

        This tree is a (circle one or more): 
          Binary Search Tree, 
          AVL Tree, 
          Left-Right Topo Tree,
          Binary Heap
          Splay Tree, 
          not something we have studied

8) (a) Take an initially empty BST and show the tree after doing
   these insertions in this order:

      2, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 6, 7

   Show your work, show the intermediate trees so I can give partial
   credit in case your final tree is incorrect.

   (b) Show the tree you get when you do delete(4) starting with the
       result of (a)

   (c) Show the tree you get when you do delete(9) starting with the
       result of (b)

9) Take the axioms defining the STACK that we studied in class.
   Let's add some new behavior to get a new type we will call 
   SWAPSTACK.  We want to keep the operations we have (push, pop,
   top, size, empty), but we want to add this operation:

     swap:   SWAPSTACK  -->  SWAPSTACK

   It will take a stack, and swap the top two elements.  This means
   that if 12 is on top the initial stack, and 6 is the second element,
   then the resulting stack will have 6 on top, and 12 as the second
   element.  Be careful to consider what swap does if you call it on 
   a stack that does not contain at least two elements.

10) Describe a data structure that will support the stack operations
    push, pop, top, empty, and size, as well as these two additional


    These will return the largest (smallest) value stored in the stack
    regardless of where they are in the element order.

    Your data structure must allow each operation to be performed in
    worst-case constant time.

11) Consider the following data structure operations and their worst 
    case run times. Fill in the table with numbers to demonstrate 
    their relative efficiencies.

    What I want is for you to replace the ? with a number that
    gives the worst case run time of the algorithm on the problem
    size at the top of the column.  If you need details to help 
    explain your answer, you may add footnotes.

    Use scientific notation to help with any larger numbers.

    N:                        4     1024      1,073,741,824 (2^30)

    bubble sort list
       of length N            ?     ?          ?

    insert in AVL tree 
       of N nodes             ?     ?          ?

    push on a stack
       of size N              ?     ?          ?

    remove from queue
       of length N            ?     ?          ?

    find in BST with          ?     ?          ?
       N nodes

    in-order traversal on     ?     ?          ?
       a BST with N nodes
    building a BST with       ?     ?          ?
       N nodes 
    locate item in ordered    ?     ?          ?
       list of length N   

    find in splay tree with   ?     ?          ?
       N nodes (remember 
       the splay op)

12) (a) Below are two hash tables.  The left one will use linear probing
    to resolve collisions.  The right one will hash into lists to resolve
    collisions.  Fill in each table with the following input items in
    the order given left to right:

       alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda

    Use this hash function: 
      take the position in the alphabet of the first third letters, 
      add them; then multiply by the length of the word; then mod 
      the result by 13.
    Example: alpha  a is 1, p is 16, sum 17. 17*5 is 85. 85 mod 13 is 7
             so alpha hashes to slot 7.

an alphabet, with ordinal positions, for your viewing pleasure
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

    linear                 hash into lists

    0: _________           0: _____

    1: _________           1: _____ 

    2: _________           2: _____ 
    3: _________           3: _____ 

    4: _________           4: _____
    5: _________           5: _____

    6: _________           6: _____

    7: _________           7: _____ 

    8: _________           8: _____ 

    9: _________           9: _____ 

   10: _________          10: _____ 

   11: _________          11: _____

   12: _________          12: _____ 

   (b) We ended up storing 11 items in the tables, and let's say we 
   expected to have 11 items for storage.  Was the choice of 13 for 
   table size a good one for the linear probing table?  If so, cool... 
   if not, what size would have been better?  

   (c) Same question for the hash-into-lists table... was 13 a good size?  
   If so, cool, ... if not, what size would have been better?

13) Consider this BST:

                      .        . 
                   .                 .
              beta                        rho 
             .   .                      .      .
            .     .                   .           .
         alpha    delta           kappa            theta
                     .            .   .             .    .
                      .          .      .          .       .
                       eta    iota    omicron    sigma     zeta

   (a) list the node values in the order given by a pre-order traversal
gamma beta alpha delta eta rho kappa iota omicron lambda theta sigma zeta

   (b) list the node values in the order given by an in-order traversal
alpha beta delta eta gamma iota kappa lambda omicron rho sigma theta zeta

   (c) list the node values in the order given by a post-order traversal
alpha eta delta beta iota lambda omicron kappa sigma zeta theta rho gamma

14)(a) Show the result of inserting these integers (in this order) into
   an initially empty Splay tree:

     8, 1, 4, 2, 5, 15, 7, 3, 6

   Make sure to show the tree after each insertion. I can give partial
   credit if you give good detail.  You might consider showing the 
   patterns we used to define the various insertion situations that
   are possible.

   (b) Show the tree after doing delete 4 on the result from (a)

   (c) Show the tree after doing delete 7 on the result from (b)

   (d) Show the tree after doing find 2 on the result from (c)

   (e) Show the tree after doing find 6 on the result from (d)