Project Teams

Weekly Coach Meetings

    2022 project proposals

    Meet in zoom as a team... watch the client vids and look over the proposal information. Discuss the ideas as a team. Keep meeting and discussing as a team until you decide on the top 6 projects you would like to work on.

    Once you have a rank order list, send me email to help-comp523@cs.unc.edu (not to my personal email account, it might get lost in the pile) and let me know the team decisions. Note that teams are lettered (A, B, etc.) and project ideas are numbered. Send me one email with "Team Projects" in the title (of course, use your correct team letter). Then in the body show me the 6 preferences in left-to-right, most-to-least order, like this format (again, just as example):

        5, 12, 8, 1, 16, 3
        ^                ^
        |                |
        |                |
    most preferred       |
       project           |
                        6th most preferred project
                        meaning you prefer the others
                        before this one

    I cannot guarantee you will be assigned a preference, but it usually works out that a team gets a project from their list. However, the only guarantee you have is you will get a client for your team to work with.

    Due: I need the email by Saturday, 1/22 at 5pm. I will then match teams to ideas and we will get the matchings in class. You will then spend the week finding your client and meeting.