Design Analysis


Well, since the Danish system has only two parts, the USES relations graph is pretty simple.
USES graph

Danish was largely designed for us already, in the form of Daistish. The core of the conversion consisted of making Daistish produce Java code instead of C++, so if Daistish worked, then so will Danish. The user interface is primarily just a user-friendly way of specifying the command-line parameters of Danish, as well as saving the user the trouble of compiling and running the code that it produced. As far as that goes, the user interface meshes well with the main Danish script, even going so far as to color-code the output for easy viewing.

The essence of the Danish system is its simplicity and linearity - data flows in, is processed, and an output is displayed. Any changes to or modifications of Danish, including addition of a Java parser, elimination of alii or signature files, or anything else, should be straight-forward.

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Created 04/06/98 by Tim Preston