Sample Output

Short Report Format

The output of a
successful short report format run consists of a list of the names of the axia being tested, followed by a summary of the results of the tests. Danish tells you how many times each axiom was run. As long as you do not get a "failed" message, all tests were successful.

If the summary section contains any lines in red, an axiom has failed. An unsuccessful short report looks like the successful short report, except any failed axiom is high-lighted in red with the number of times it failed.

Long Report Format

The output of a
successful long report format run begins with a list of the names of the input files. The actual axia and test vectors are also displayed. The rest of the report is identical to the successful short report.

An unsuccessful long report format contains all of the information in the successful long report, plus a list of each time the axiom test failed. This report shows the values of the test vectors used in that case, and displays what the left and right sides of the axiom were at the moment of comparison. The summary section also contains a link from the failed axiom name to the first instance of that axiom's failure.

Due to the extremely long length of this report, we recommend that you do your initial test in short report format, and only use the long report format for debugging purposes.

Error Report

It is also possible that your input files contained an error that prevented Danish from even running any of the axiom tests. Such an
error will create a report that lists the initial problem. The first error message is the most important for troubleshooting. Danish will create secondary error messages because it is trying to compile and run a testing program that could not be created.
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Created 04/29/98 by knight