Challenge hosted at NIRAL: MS lesion Segmentation (2008)

Our resarch in series Mathematics Illuminated (2008): Full series Only our part

Affiliations: UNC UNC-CS UNC-Psychiatry NIRAL , CIDD , MIDAG , IBIS (ACE) , UNC Autism Research Center , Early Brain Dev ,

Software And Wiki: NITRC, NIRAL-Wiki (restricted access) , Docs & Tutorials at NIRAL

Data: Data at NIRAL

Map to my NIRAL (Medical School Wing C) and CS (Sitterson Hall) office:

The medical school wing buildings are just in between the student health building and the hospital. For the medical school wing C offices, one needs to enter through wing B or D as wing C does not have its own entrance. Then take the stairs (either in wing B or D) to the third floor and finally enter wing C.